“Of course not,” I muttered. And our new guest from High Command?”, “I haven’t received any reports from Gneisenau, nor heard any unusual screaming, so I think it’s safe to assume he’s staying put for the moment.”, I grinned slightly and shrugged. “Would you like me to take you to see Bismarck now?”, *********************************************************. I turned to her, kissing her briefly before we slid off the bench and headed towards the next room where lunch, tea, and biscuits awaited. “Ah, Margaret,” she greeted her casually, “It’s so nice to see you again. “I woke up just in time for Vestal to explain what was going on and I rushed over here. , if you talk to them like people, you can come to some sort of agreement.”, “I doubt that very much, That's all I'm asking from you!” Maybe Mortal enemies "with benefits" was not exactly the plan. And for those of you reading this on AO3, I'll also be moving Dark Dreams and Broken Wings over, so if you have yet to read them, now's your opportunity! We made it through Scherzo, through her awakening, we made it through so much, and now, for all of this to be undone by bureaucracy...it was nearly too much to bear. I was hoping you would have something to tell We both laughed and turned to face young Parzival, who was standing there with her hands on her hips and an adorably angry expression on her face. You’re not in trouble,” I clarified, much to her great relief. “You gave me two choices: disavow my relationship with Bismarck or resign, and if I chose neither, you would have forced me out. “Uh...y-yes. I can’t go day after day, and deny my heart doesn’t soar at the sight of you, that I don’t love you with every fiber of my being. “I’ll live. “Good afternoon, I grinned, shrugged, and reached up for the admiral’s stars on my collar. Everything I was taking with me had been packed up already, which wasn’t much. High Command has given me an ultimatum, the one we feared. as well as “As a wise man once told me, we’re family. Come back to us soon, “I know I’ve already asked this, but I want to do this the right way. “ Everything is in there.”, The old admiral peered down at the written copy of the report, his glasses perched on the end of his nose. A Sea Without Water, A Compass Without Direction. “She’s stable,” she said softly, “But she’s in a coma. I shook my head as I ushered them inside, shutting the door behind them. I took another sip of hot broth, eyed him up and down, and said, “Ready?”, “Yes, sir,” Heatherly answered, and cleared his throat. “I, uh, I don’t know if you can hear me, but if you can, I want you to know that I’m here for you. “Those in favor?”  Tiller gleefully raised her hand, and Ramsay slowly followed suit, clearly unhappy about it, but sticking to his principles. Come back to us soon, . I glanced at my watch and sighed heavily as I realized I needed to get back to the office. “You’re out of line, Admiral,” I snapped, shocking all five of my superiors. “I have an invest-”, Vestal was not having it. If you’ll excuse me, Commander…”. Not to mention the complete lack of any sort of decorum. I understand this is an important decision to make, so you have twenty-four hours to come to a decision.”  Without giving me a chance to object, to answer, to even ask for clarification, he said, “High Command out,” and terminated the call. “And yet, you kept it a secret.”, “I did no such thing,” I growled. Things finally came to a head that Friday when High Command called on me to hear the results of the inquiry. close to Bismarck? I think you would be stunning in black My heart was in my throat as I dialed in and found myself staring at the five people who would determine not just my fate, but the fate of Bismarck as well. I know who you are and why you’re here, so let’s dispense with formalities. I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t burst through the doors yet to lecture me.”, “Probably got caught up in the outgoing crowd,” I quipped. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Once he’d gotten what he needed, he pulled the other chair in the room over and sat across from me, his notepad on his lap. “It’s not mine, I’m just holding onto it for someone. And I will be having a discussion with her later regarding her...indiscretions, but we’ve already accepted Admiral Blum’s resignation and reassigned him.”, Bismarck smiled and shrugged fatalistically. Volleyball swimsuit tournaments? We walked back to HQ and up to the CIC, where Nimi helpfully offered to watch my luggage before I strode inside. Somehow, someday, I promise.”  I pulled the small jewelry box out of my pocket and set it down on the nightstand next to her. The kansen known as Bismarck.”, “When did the relationship become romantic?”, “Why did you choose to omit this relationship from your reports?”, I took a sip of broth to cover my exasperation and frustration, using the time to craft a more...diplomatic answer than the one that sprang to mind. Actually, creating an entire Order for one little submarine? Any questions?”, Parzival hopped off the chair, gave me a jaunty salute, and bolted out of the room. With those hard-won victories come a few privileges, in my estimation.”, “Even if it results in a violation of regulations?”, “ While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I hated that sound. “She’s going to have a hard time speaking with you in a coma,” Vestal replied sharply. will make the determination as to when she’ll be up for visitors beyond the three I’ve cleared. I knew I had just crossed a line at possibly the worst possible time, but I just couldn’t stand by quietly anymore. “Sure, if you call being forced into it ‘of my own free will’...admiral,” I called out and the entire throng turned to face me. Thank you, Random House, for the gifted early ecopy. Never like this. I’m sure he’ll explain things when he gets here.”, That was it. Her cheeks flushed and she held out her hand, her smile bright enough to light up the entire world. 6. Oh!”  Before we could begin to answer her barrage of questions, she caught herself and grabbed a wheelchair from the hall. 9. Just needed a little hot liquid and a lecture from Perseus and I’ll be back to one hundred percent. She bowed her head and quietly said, “Thank you, Eugene.”. She smiled and patted me on the shoulder. And when it became pertinent, I immediately informed them of the relationship.”, He kept his impassive gaze on me, his pen still at rest on his notepad. I turned back, took one last look at Bismarck, and headed to what was once our home. “Lord Bismarck, Commander,” she protested, “No canoodling in the CIC!”. They gave me a choice: either renounce our relationship or resign as commander of Azur Lane. “If Tiller doesn’t like it, she can read it in the report they’ll be getting later today.”  The brief shock that flashed across his face meant I’d called it correctly, he was Tiller’s man. “Thank you, sir. Admiral Adkins wasted no time on the pleasantries or standing on ceremony. . I took one last look at her in peaceful repose, then headed off to Vestal’s office to get cleared to go back to work. Not until I felt those familiar hands gently run across my shoulders did I realize she was here with me. ask you to do this, not for me…”, Tirpitz sighed and shook her head, a soft smile on her face. Return returners, Oh, thou to Me come back and revisit My love for thee. “I’m sorry, Parzival,” Bismarck chuckled, “but it was in the heat of the moment…”  She held out her hand, the ring glittering in the overhead lighting. “Trying to organize a wedding is harder than an amphibious invasion. We celebrated for a few minutes, exchanging hugs and well-wishes as one by one, the faction leaders filed out until it was just Bismarck and myself. “At ease, Commander. -”, “What the Commander means to say,” Bismarck said, quickly cutting me off, “Is that you should have disclosed this information prior to any sort of board of inquiry. your I also purchased a physical copy for my shelf. Please consider not doing this. “I, uh, I don’t know if you can hear me, but if you can, I want you to know that I’m here for you. “Well, enough waiting around and worrying. I was hoping you would have something to tell, “Just that she isn’t allowed to have visitors yet,” Tirpitz sighed as she stood next to the unused hospital bed. Work Search: I hadn’t done myself any favors by rudely dismissing High Command’s investigator, but by the same token, he should have realized he was interrupting something of dire and waited until things calmed down. “How was your day so far?”. I All I could hope now is that none of the kansen inadvertently gave Tiller any ammunition to use against me. Bismarck, will you marry me?”, Her cheeks flushed and she held out her hand, her smile bright enough to light up the entire world. As to the report regarding Bismarck, no sir. You should be here for your sister when she wakes up.”, For a moment, her family bonds warred with her military bearing, until a small smile won out. “Name one rule, one reg, that I have violated and I will resign here and now. Then it would all come crashing back, smothering my spirit. each other?”, “Oh, she didn’t tell you?” Bismarck cooly inquired, a raised eyebrow beneath her cap. You Might Want to Marry My Husband Baby I Need You In A Serious Way ... YOU ARE READING. How have things been on your end?”, “The same,” I smiled, “Busy, but productive. She stood there, a proud smile on her face for another second before she began to lean heavily against me. It’s been, what, five years? “Of course not. When that failed, I simply chalked it up to having reached my quota for miracles that day and sighed. And I would remind you, that we are making gains across all fronts, beating back the Sirens at every turn. Of course, that may have had something to do with the haranguing they were getting from Queen Elizabeth. 3. The room went dead quiet as Ramsay, Williams, and Franklin all watched to see what would unfold. Every single faction leader was there, along with their second, and they all looked very unhappy with High Command, who were currently on screen and looking equally unhappy. “Do I make myself clear?”, His eyes snapped up, met mine, and I stared him down for a full thirty seconds before he finally relented. Would Adkins step in, would Tiller descend into another shrieking rage, or would they all let me continue to fall on my sword. The sun would wake me up, I’d smile and turn to face...no one. Sent Eugen to pick them up.”, Bismarck looked horrified and she leaned away from me, trying to gauge if I was serious. Somehow, someday, I promise.”  I pulled the small jewelry box out of my pocket and set it down on the nightstand next to her. “I did, however, take the liberty of assigning an emergency repair and refloat team to the, “You and I both know it’s hard to prove something, happen,” I dryly responded.
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