PT point mode
SIL simulation integration laboratory
WC work center
BLOCK contiguous bytes of digital computer storage (512,1024)
PREIS prototype engineering information system
ACMS air combat maneuvering simulator
SNSR sensor
2. a. RTC recruit training command
NORPAX north pacific experiement
B/F blade fold
All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. ALTAIR automated labor/time and attendance input and reporting
YRST salvage craft tender (non self-propelled)(misc)
YRDH floating dry dock workshop (hull) (non self-propelled)(misc)
EOGWCM electro-optical guided weapons countermeasures
STDY steady
UJT unijunction transistor
PMM power management mode
هَلْ هُنَاكَ اِزْدِحامٌ كَثيرٌ عَلَى الطَريقِ السَريعِ؟. NGCR next generation computer resources (navy program)
COBOL common business oriented language
CIS case integration services
PSO/NO-AIR pressure shut off no air
RDT reliability development test
NALC naval aviation logistics command
IOPB input/output parameter buffer
SEU sighting electronics unit
HOR horizontal
PEC passive equipment cabinet
LRAAS long range air asw system
NRL navy research laboratories
PET propulsion engineering trainer
NSD navy support data
CTS contract technical services
MAW medium attack wing
LSD landing ship dock (landing craft carriers)
LSI large scale integrated circuits
LTM lateral translation mode
BLOS beyond line-of-sight system
CESM cryptologic electronic warfare support measures
PMM program memory module
RAN request for authority to negotiate
IPS inlet particle separator
TMTC technical manual technical council
HZ hertz, I intermediate
TPS test program set
SERD support equipment recommendation data
MUX multiplex
PMAR permanent magnetic alternator right
CSTIRS "c" school training input requirements system
FMEA failure mode and effects analysis
CSC computer software component
AFTA advanced first term avionics
EPL equipment parts list
AIL asset interchange language
TIXS tactical information exchange system (otcixs)
SRB safety review board
BMA boeing military airplanes
STDL submarine tactical data link program
CWA caution/warning advisory system
PO ambient pressure
YBD bowdock
HPM high power microwave
FOC focus
DSBL disable
LSHMT list of standard/modified hand tools
NATSF naval air technical support facility
DOP doppler
OCM on condition maintenance
→ Có đường nào để tránh bị tắc đường không? CATS combined arms training systems (pmtrade)
CAFED computer-aided file of engineering drawings
PMGW primary mission gross weight
OFIB oil filter impending bypass
EAPS engine air particle separator
MAMDT mean active maintenance downtime
S/N serial number
UOC usable on code
IRJ infrared jammer
OMA organizational maintenance activity
YCF car float (non self-propelled)(lighter)
OPTN option
COMPT compressor
SCOT ship control operator trnr (trident-21c10)
DORT daily operational readiness test
DTR digital tape recorder
CIDS critical item development specification
DPS data processing subsystem
MFOV medium field of view
CMR configuration management review
TPI test program instruction
SIL silence
CLS contractor logistics support
NIPIMS navmat instructional procurement and inventory monitoring sys
The passage of people or vehicles along routes of transportation. SSAS signal security assessment system
FPMU fuel pump metering unit
CAS calibrated airspeed
MTTR mean time to repair
TPC training path chart
FMF fleet marine force
ALOAF asset library open architecture framework
NAVMTO navy material transportation office
YTL small harbor tug (self-propelled)
REF reference
MB megabyte
VLV valve
HOL high order language
PACR power assurance check right
MHZ megahertz
ETI elapsed time indicator
CAINS carrier airborne inertial navigation system
C&CSTT command and control stn team trnr (trident-21a42)
TA training agent
DCE distributed computing environment
EDR engineering design record (release, review)
VAX digital equipment corp 32 bit mini-computer
SCAS stability control augmentation system
FOV field of view
BALT barometric altitude
FARECONRON fleet air reconnaissance squadron
EQP equipment
R/R remove and replace
DNA defense nuclear agency
MTBMA mean time between maintenance action
ACTS air combat training systems (pmtrade)
ISPE improved sonar processing equipment (ssbn)
ENC encode
FASOTRAGRUPAC fleet aviation specialized operatonal training group pacific
Photo by AP/PTI 71/120 YFNX lighter (special purpose)(non self-propelled)
NPD navy procurement directive
LCCB local change control board
BYTE combined bits of digital computer information (8,16,32), C high level programming language
SEPG software engineering process group
PRES present
OTCIXS officer tactical command information exchange system
G/W gross weight
4. READS requirements entry allocation decomposition system
MSI minesweeper, inshore (mine countermeasures)
NIIN national item identification number
EXPS expanding squares
TFU turret flir unit
DMEA damage modes and effects analysis
ECA electronic component assembly
VSTOL vertical/short takeoff and landing
BEST base engineering support, technical
DFC diagnostic flow charts
SYSCOM systems command
POIL engine delta oil pressure
4 main indexes for business evaluation. CINCPACFLT commander-in-chief (pacific fleet)
NU nose up
MAX maximum
DMI depot maintenance interservice
PTTI precise time and time interval dissemination and distribution
DSC digital scan converter
LUIL life useage index left
MPD multipurpose display
RARBI radar altimeter beacon interface
SCFE subcontractor furnished equipment
INTENS intensity
DMA direct memory access
FPMUL fuel pressure metering unit left engine
DWNLD download
MYFARS multi-function array radar system
TAC total accumulated cyclestmttactical air control/command
CCS change commitment summary
RAD3 radio 3
Søk i Finnmark Dagblad og Finnmarken. ACT actuator
HORIZ horizontal
FBITAR fadec fail bit, channel a, right engine
OMB office of manpower and budget
NEWTS naval electronic warfare training sys (10h1)
YWN water barge (non self-propelled)(lighter). TWG technical working group
SIM subsystem interface unit
COD carrier on-board delivery
RADR radartmtreceive address
AK cargo ship (misc)
PPS program performance spec udi-e-21269b/mod
NAVTRASYSCEN naval training systems center
LPOILL low oil pressure left
HNG hanging
VSI vertical speed indicator
PFBIT pre-flight built-in test
DCP decision coordinating paper
SRU shop replaceable unit
paysafecard codes are not designated to be passed by mail or telephone. SWNRAC surface warfare naval reserve advisory committee
PHC photographic change (tdc 68)
STVTS submarine tactical visual training system
MGT measured gas temperature
SHIPALT ship alteration
REC record
the traffic is heavy during the rush hour, mesures de ralentissement de la circulation en ville, tribunal où sont jugées les infractions au code de la route. SEU system electronics unit
PDM program objectives memorandum
SCR silicon control rectifier
AEO all engines operating
NCCPM navy command & control process model
DBD data base design
QUE1 tqe left
CAB cabin
CAPDS chemical agent point detector system
TF/GM terrain following/ground mapping
MTTF mean time to failure
AIVP anti-ice valve position
JASS v-22 (jvx) applications & systems software
YD floating crane (non self-propelled)(misc)
TD training device
PPCO provisioning principal contracting office
PE project engineer
IDS interface design specification udi-e-21403/mod
PTD provisioning technical documentation
JETT jettison
LSM lvdt self monitor
NADOC naval aviation depot operations center (pax river)
WA work assignment
D/A digital to analog
OS operating system
FCIM flexible computer integrated manufacturing
NATC naval air test center (pax river)
SPNSN sponson
MWS missile warning set
IR infrared
AAAA army aviation association of america
RABFAC radar beacon forward air control
JILSP joint integrated logistic support plan
WYPT waypoint, X x window system
RMR remote map reader
DRS doppler radar system
SIMSYS simulation system (software)
Traffic Accident Reconstruction, Animation and Simulation, Inc. Traffic Accident Surveillance and Analysis System, Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System. RMS root-mean-square
TACAN tactical air navigation
DOC descend on course
ROE rules of engagement
PWR power
WAVS wide angle visual system
Bitte immer nur genau eine Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung eintragen (Formatierung siehe Guidelines), möglichst mit einem guten Beleg im Kommentarfeld.Wichtig: Bitte hilf auch bei der Prüfung anderer Übersetzungsvorschläge mit! TEECP training equipment engineering change proposal
CFT contractor flight test
NEC national electrical code
SOM simulator operation and maintenance
ENVIR environment
AIM authoring instructional materials program
IUS interim (inertial) upper stage
FRAMP fleet readiness aircraft maint program (p14-4b53/54)
PDS program design spec udi-e-21268b/mod
YPD floating pile driver (non self-propelled)(misc)
LCU landing craft, utility
RFT ready for training (operational milestone)
FSR field service representative
DMMH/FH direct maintenance manhours/flight hour
TMC technical manual code
PDP program definition phase
DODISS department of defense index of specifications and standards
P4 burner discharge total pressure
LHA amphibious assault ship (general purpose)
FMP fleet modernization program
ERSE erase
CSSR cost/schedule status report
FPM feet per minute
CSJAG crew station joint advisory group
CDT chargeable down time
MDMDS maintenance data system
CALS computer-aided acquisition & logistics support
SECVOX secure voice (comm)
PROC processor
FC flight control
TDMA time division multiple access
MCL master configuration list
AME aviation metalsmith (environmental control syst)
ILS instrument landing system
CONUS continental united states
P/N part number
YC open lighter (non self-propelled)
PPP personnel performance profile
PLRS position, location, and reporting system
RNVC reference number variation code
TACR tac right
RLF reusability library framework
Korean language watermark on image as provided by source reads: "KCNA" which is the abbreviation for Korean Central News Agency. MPC mission phase code
WL water line
DIST distance
AIVPR anti-ice valve position right engine
ST software test
OPTAR operating target (expense)
QM mast torque
STO short takeoff
OFT operational flight trainer
ACN advance change notice
ICD interface control document
SPM software programmers manual
FEWSG fleet electronic warfare support group
SSW surface ship warfare
PCM power converter module
SPAWARS space & naval warfare systems command
NVIS near vertical incident skywave
NAMTRAGRU naval air maintenance training group
TA terrain avoidance
CA contract award
VY best rate of climb speed, W/S weapon system
CUDIX common user data information exchange
MRT minimum resolvable temperature
PM preventative maintenance
I/O input/ouput
CM configuration management
FSS fin stabilizer system (ffg-7)
JSOR joint services operations requirements
ILS integrated logistics support
FTS federal telecommunications system
a list of Countries Acronyms and Abbreviations. DISABL disable
WG wire gage
NEMP nuclear electromagnetic pulse
INCOR incorrect
SV/C survivability, vulnerability/crashworthiness
OJT on the job training
NAWC naval air warfare center (lakehurst,warminster,pax r)
SEE software engineering environment
SIG GND signal ground
INIT initiatetmtinitialize
Informa PLCâs registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. NAR narrow
SSA strapdown sensor assembly
DEC digital equipment corporation
TD tradevman
YHLC salvage lift craft, heavy (non self-propelled) (misc)
PJM project manager (ntsc)
YG garbage lighter (self-propelled)
SCF scheduled change factor (milestone modifier)
ICC life cycle costing
TIMM task identification management matrix
PRODEVCEN program development center
MAOT maximum allowable operating time
OAF open architecture framework
VOR/ILS/MB vhf omni range/instrument landing system/marker beacon
CSS contractor support services
NOTAP navy occupational task analysis program
ECS engineering change support
EOUTL engine out left engine
WORD 2 bytes (16 bits) of digital computer storage
Il y a beaucoup de circulation sur l'autoroute ? LMU lighting mockup
EMT/MA elapsed maintenance time per maintenance action
CRO cognizant regional office
SRA shop repairable assembly
FTG fleet training group
SOJ stand-off jammer
DMA defense mapping agency
NIS naval investigative service
CCDL cross channel data link
FDR flight data recorder
OW outer wing
ABIU avionics bay interface unit
LPD amphibious transport dock
PPD program package document
YW water barge (self-propelled)(tanker)
ISAM indexed sequential access method
MTASS machine transferable support software
OPS operational
EVCS external voice communication system
To provide to others, especially in large quantities, in exchange for money: a small pavement in the middle of a road, for pedestrians to stand on on their way across. DD digital data
WSHLD windshield
NB narrowband
CFE contractor furnished equipment
FAT first article testing
CWDE chemical warfare defense equipment
NCAB navy contract adjustment board
CIM center for information management
BL butt line
RFQ request for quotation
AF air force
CCL command and control lab
b. Gibt es eine Strecke mit weniger Verkehr? BGIT battle group inport training
ROF receipt of funds
FLTR filter
RCM reliability centered maintenance
RU replaceable unit
ESM electronic support (surveillance) measures
RTU remote terminal unit
DASC direct air support center
OTT ocean tactical targeting
HST hoist
AEA auxillary engine assembly
AIT aircraft interface tester
APN2 apn funds budget area two, minor non-weapon system, B bottom
YRR radiological repair barge (non self-propelled) (misc)
ELEV elevation
HDC helicopter direction center
BCM beyond capability of maintenance
HYTOW (an/wqc-5)
BIU bus interface unit
CNEWTP consolidated electronic warfare
DIR direction
FRAC fleet replacement aircrewman
DEL delete
TMP technical manual plan
CVLF consolidated very low frequency
FM frequency modulation
GMS gas management system
CDWG controls and displays working group
SCADC standard central air data computer
CLAMS countermeasures launcher modular system
WS wing stow
WCA warning/caution/advisory
DRB defense resource board
CSU communications switching unit
Thursday, March 11, 2021. TMDC technical manual data card
PPIL parts provisioning index list
OPS/CHK operational checkout
SECNAV secretary of the navy
GTV ground test vehicle
DS defense system
AEMS aircraft engine management system
NAEI naval aviation executive institute
LCCPT low-cost cockpit procedures trainer (helo trainer)
AGL above ground level
DCT damage control tpnr (trident-21c11)
TDP technical development plan
TCP trainer change proposal (tpecp)
FL foot-lambert
CARDS central archive for reusable defense software
YDT diving tender (non self-propelled)(misc)
TAMâ total addressable/available market. EC engineering change
ADDR address
SAU signal acquisition unit
WG wing
NAVTAG naval tactical gaming
LVDT linear variable differential transducer
SSC support software change (tdc 95)
MM man months
RMP risk management plan
BIC bus interface controller
CWI continuous wave illuminator, D depot
RSQ rescue
CCBR config control board request
BNGO bingo
DHV doors/hatches/vents
LPOIL low oil pressure
UC update code
UMTS universal maintenance training system
IMCON information modeling convergence
AIC air intercept controller
VS vertical speed
The non members are represented through the 140 trade associations within the confederation, whose separate and individual memberships the CBI claims to also to speak for. SSEP sub surveillance equipment program
Head and Neck Imaging 3rd ed. HUD head up display
TCN tacan
PSO pressure shut off
TMDL technical manual data list
RTA receiver-transmitter antenna
RBL right butt line
LEMP lightning electromagnetic pulse
DTU data transfer unit
STP software test plan
PGTS precision gunnery training system
CG center of gravity
OICC officer in charge of construction
RGT right
CV-ASWM cv anti-submarine warfare module
OFIBR oil filter impending bypass right
GD guidance
Informa PLCâs registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. SBIR small business innovative research
ESGN electrically suspended gyro navigator (an/wsn-3(v))
LOC localizer
OODA object-oriented design with assemblies
SCRB software change review board
JINTACCS joint interoperability of tactical command and control system
AAC aircraft armament change (tdc 56)
PSDP preliminary system design plan
LSB low side band
MVP-L multiple views project - language
DODCI dept of defense computer institution
JON job order number
A/C aircraft
CIU cockpit interface unit
AGB accessory gear box
FSC federal supply classification
DRRB data requirements review board
OWDM original water depth mine, P-P peak-to-peak
SSDG ship service diesel generator set (ffg-7)
DWN down
MATE multiband automated test equipment
P1175 a std ref model for computing system tool interconnection
FBM fleet ballistic missile submarine training center
WPC work package concept
SEP system engineering process
STHD stored heading
ILS/SE integrated logistic support/systems engineering
GFI government final inspection
SEB support equipment bulletin (tdc 63)
OW obstacle warning
STEP surface warfare training evaluation program
EOS emergency oil system
FMS fault management system
VMC visual meteorological conditions
VIDS/MAF visual information display system/maintenance action form
DRT dead reckoning tracer
GPTE general purpose test equipment
HCP hazardous critical procedures
NAMP naval aviation maintenance program
PW pulse width
LWC liquid water content
ABC analog backup computer
COMTHIRDFLT commander of third fleet
ENDR endurance
AFTRBDY afterbody
THOTS technical hands-on training system
SDDD software detailed design document
Number 3099067. STAT station
CP/M control program for microprocessors
CAEIU conversion actuator electrical interface unit
PCC procurement contracting office
EIA electronic institute of america
DNS doppler navigation sensor
RAWS radar altimeter warning system
DEC decode
CCPDSR command center processing & display system replacement
PPC powerplant change (tdc 02)
ACB aircrew bulletin (tdc 67)
PMDB project master data base (trw ir&d project name)
CHAFFROC chaff dispensing rocket
OPN open
WIN wwmccs intercomputer network
MILSCAP military standard contract admin procedures
RAD1 radio 1
Learn more. WPE word processing equipment
PDS power demand signal
YFR refrigerated covered lighter (self-propelled)
F/C flight control
CMRS calibration/measurement requirements summary
VLF very low frequency
TTE technical training equipment (tactical/operational)
VS stall speed
FER field engineering rep
NEARTIP mk 46 torpedo
AGM missile range instrumentation ship (misc)
RMNG remaining
OPER operator
I/ITSC interservice/industry training systems conference
AAW anti-air warfare
PRC portable recompression chamber
ONR office of naval research
NAVAIRLANT naval air force atlantic fleet
DEN data element number
TCO technical contracting office
LFA low frequency adjunct
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