I don`t know what material they have but I trust that they know that it`s worthy for the public to know about and could be done in a responsible way. I`m very thankful for you being here. So, there`s that. You guys did outspend -- outraise and outspend Trump two to one. At least, I think that`s how you pronounce it. Wisconsin by 20,000. We`ve got a big show tonight. Rachel Maddow on Reconstruction I don’t usually watch The Rachel Maddow Show but I happened to catch part of it last night. I did not think that we were going to get it but the news gods have smiled upon us. We found -- I`ll tell you what we found on election night was, in all -- basically, all the battleground states, we ended up being anywhere from five to two points lower than what we had predicted. Lots more to come tonight. On Tuesday night's show, Maddow compared footage of Trump's 2016 campaign stump rhetoric and segregationist George Wallace's 1968 campaign … Straight ahead tonight. And that was a real concern and ultimately a real concern for the president-elect. MADDOW: On Friday night, "Washington Post" broke the news that the CIA reported that Russia interfered in the election, not just to cause chaos or mess with American democracy. He has a key operational role in the company now, particularly since the patriarch has sort of moved into semi-retirement. It was also billed as a press conference, which would have been his first press conference since I believe July -- the last press conference was the one where he invited Russia to please hack Hillary Clinton`s e-mails. And election after election after election, the Electoral College does what everybody expects with a few surprises. Sign up for our free email newsletter, and we'll make sure to keep you in the loop. Rachel Maddow sounded the alarm about Russian involvement in this year’s presidential election, warning that the attacks could be worse than four years ago, particularly since the Trump administration is in charge. That means if he`s confirmed, we`ll have a president with no governing and diplomatic experience, a national security the adviser with no diplomatic or governing experience, and a secretary of state with no governing or diplomatic experience. Share. I saw it with, you know, women on a rope line with Hillary who are crying because they remembered a sexual assault that they put aside for so long, like it`s just all coming to the surface. Rachel Maddow on Reconstruction I don’t usually watch The Rachel Maddow Show but I happened to catch part of it last night. MADDOW: Kristen, let me just ask you. MADDOW: Jen Palmieri, communications director for Hillary Clinton`s 2016 presidential campaign -- I know that, A, you don`t have to do any interviews at all and you certainly didn`t have to do this one here with me. These ten electors are asking for that intelligence briefing before then. MADDOW: Are you opposed to those activities? Rachel Maddow is on the razor's edge of a total meltdown. So, I think that the fact that it`s all coming to the surface now means we`re strong enough to deal with it but obviously I`m very disappointed that -- and very concerned that it`s not Hillary Clinton that`s going to be president of the United States during this difficult time. In not unrelated news, there`s also late breaking word tonight that Donald Trump is postponing his long-planned announcement about what he plans to do with all of his business interests while is he president. Rachel Maddow takes a look at the day's top political news stories. It`s obviously a very different year. This is going to press tonight, the cover of "Newsweek" tomorrow morning. John McCain saying that he wanted to know more about Rex Tillerson`s ties to Russia. Info. First of all, tonight in just a couple of minutes, we`re going to have the first interview since the election with Jen Palmieri. She`s the communications director for Hillary Clinton`s 2016 presidential campaign. We are conveying specifics through classified channels.". Im watching election coverage on MSNBC because theres no one Id rather watch have to announce a Trump victory than Rachel Maddow. bruce springsteen last night at hillary clinton's huge rally on independence mall in philadelphia. He has only worked at Exxon for his entire career since the 1970s. That's true, it's a fact and hence, no quarrel. Can barely stand to read this story.". And so, I think that`s one of the arguments that you`re going to hear from the transition team as they try to defend this pick. They did to hurt Hillary Clinton`s chances at beginning president, and helped Donald Trump`s chances. A claim often repeated by CNN and MSNBC commentators during election night exit poll coverage. How could you have taken better advantage of your cash advantage? Hard to describe the feelings here at Hillary's HQ. But that does it for us. You work hard, you should be able to succeed and do better than your parents. Trump transition officials say the president-elect has been occupied filling out his cabinet. Yet, that claim is an artfully crafted smear based on careful number play. Also today, a group of presidential electors, the members of the Electoral College, who are the people who actually vote to elect the next president of the United States, ten of the 538 of them have now written an open letter to the director of national intelligence asking that the intelligence community give the electors their own intelligence briefing on this Russian hacking issue. In political science, they tell you cynically that money is power. But that, the son-in-law there who`s circled there, he had the biggest role in this Trump-branded twin tower complex in Istanbul. So, for old time`s sake, I`m just going to try once again --, PALMIERI: But I`m sure at some point, some day, but I don`t know that right now is the -- you know, is the time where we need to be -- you know - -. This is the first that we have heard from the Clinton campaign on this issue or really on any issue since the election. On December 1st, the top representative of the Dogan Company in Ankara, which is Turkey`s capital city, got arrested by the Turkish police. Obviously, this is a very controversial choice for a number of reasons. Of course, this brings to a close a remarkable pageant where Mitt Romney, who had been so strongly opposed to Donald Trump and to denounce -- had denounced him in such certain terms during the campaign, was nevertheless paraded back and forth through the lobby of Trump`s apartment building and propped up in front of the cameras and made to say nice things with Donald Trump about the expectation that if he did so, it would result in him getting secretary of state. Now that the media has declared Democrat Joe Biden to be the winner of the 2020 presidential election, however, Maddow has done an immediate 180. You may opt out at anytime with a single click. PALMIERI: It was definitely a surprise. It felt to me, being on the campaign trail, you know, most days, like it was a reckoning. That announcement had been schedule for Thursday. I have to tell you, this is not an NBC or MSNBC work product. JOY REID, MSNBC GUEST HOST: Mr. Hayes, great to see you. So, there`s a lot more that we could have done but we had accounted for all of our challenges and our problems and we were positioned to win and I think that Comey letter was just -- it was one thing too many to absorb. MADDOW: OK. It`s live TV. But this we felt, particularly since there was new information that we learned on Friday night about the intent of Russia, we thought this was a worthy -- this was a worthy effort for us to weigh in on.
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