Image by . ADDIS ABABA, May 2, 2017 - Across the vast, flat plains of southeastern Ethiopia, you can see plumes of dust whirling around like mini tornados.Local people say they signal the onset of rain but, so far, in many places the rain has failed to come. The present report, led by the UNICEF Office of Research – The program is implemented in the eight regions of Afar, Amhara, Dire Dawa, Harari, ... the agreements that were reached during the April 2017 workshop and the MTR of PSNP 4. RPSNP will support the Government to build the systems for a national safety net program and is supporting implementation in eight regions: Afar, Amhara, Dire Dawa, Harari, Oromiya, Somali, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples (SNNP) Region, and Tigray. Programme in SNNPR, Ethiopia MIDLINE REPORT - FINAL - Keetie Roelen*, Stephen Devereux* and Dereje Kebede** *Centre for Social Protection, Institute of Development Studies, United Kingdom **REBRET Business and Consultancy, Ethiopia July 2017 REBRET Business and Consultancy, PLC Graduation of beneficiaries from the program was among the measurements which show effectiveness of PSNP, determines the sustainability of PSNP client’s livelihood and realizing the broader food security agenda. We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face. Addis!Ababa!! Millions of individuals and households especially the rural poor are the main victims of the problem. Firstrelease!date!December!2014! Thus, while speaking to the international literature on this topic, this study also contributes to this local policy debate in Africa's second-most-populous country. Ethiopia Productive Safety Net Programme phase 4 (PSNP 4) Changing the way in which households, communities and different levels of government do things in … PSNP related documents: PSNP Household Impact Assessments (2006-2012), SEASN Phase I Enhanced Social Assessment and Consultation, Enhanced Social Assessment and Consultation (2014 and 2017), PSNP Midline Survey (2018), Gender Analysis and GBV Risk Assessment of PSNP V (2020) and the first phase of ESAC for PSNP V to mention but only the major ones. The PSNP is a rare example in sub-Saharan Africa of a large-scale social assistance programme that enjoys strong government support. The Rural Productive Safety Net Project (RPSNP) supports the evolution of the Government’s umbrella Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) that has been in operation for the last 12 years and is one of the world’s largest safety net programs in the world. These relationships were pivotal in establishing the trust needed to gain insight that might not ot… Data collection tools/guidelines 62. v List of Tables Table 1: Gender analysis of agriculture and rural development related policies and programmes 16 Table 2. Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) is a large-scale social protection intervention aimed at improving food security and stabilizing asset levels. While this saved lives, it often failed to protect livelihoods, and this became a growing concern. The PSNP 4 will cost £2.216bn, funded by the Government of Ethiopia (14%) and nine donors. stream September 5, 2017. In response, the Ethiopian government revised its emergency food aid system in 2005 and launched the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP), a more productive approach … Given political sensitivities in the country, researcher connections were utilised to select communities for the study. The PSNP has helped families avoid food shortages. The PSNP contains a mix of public works employment and unconditional cash and food transfers. If you continue to navigate this website beyond this page, cookies will be placed on your browser. to Ethiopia for well-informed planning and decision making. Sustainability 2017, 9, 1716 3 of 15 using the PSNP to realise the voluntary resettlement programme, by which the Ethiopian government aimed to move the people from the highlands to the lowlands. Productive Safety Net Programme Phase IV Programme Implementation Manual ! The project will thereby contribute to improving the equity, efficiency and transparency of the safety net system. The Ethiopia Strategy Support Program II is an initiative to strengthen evidence-based policymaking in Ethiopia in the areas of rural and agricultural development. Requirements (Nov 2017- Apr 2018) Relief (HRD) PSNP* Nutrition Refugees USD 5 million USD 38 million USD 9 million USD 33 million 4.4 m People assisted Sept – Oct 2017 51% 49% September - October 2017 In Numbers Over 10 million people in Ethiopia in need of food assistance in the second half of 2017. Government figures note that USD487.7 million is urgently required for the multi-sector response for the remainder of 2017. ===== Posted by The Ethiopia Observatory (TEO) ADDIS ABABA, Jan.… Addis!Ababa!! [25] conclude The DCT also manages the research agenda for the PSNP. Vol.8, No.18, 2017 1 Analysis of Factors Affecting Household Graduation from Ethiopian Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP): The Case of Babile District, Oromia Region, Ethiopia Desalegn Yadeta Wedajo* Yu Lerong College of Humanities and Development Studies, China Agricultural University, No.17 Qing Hua Dong Lu, October 21, 2020. The PSNP is consequently a great example of the commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit in 2017 to implement the “New Way of Working” by ensuring all actors in the developmental and Editor's Note: Turning Ethiopia's economic growth into inclusive growth with World Bank resources. These partners are the Canadian Government, Danish International Development Assistance, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the European Union, Government of Ireland, the Department for International Development, United Nation’s Children Fund, United States Agency for International Development, and the World Food Program. The program has demonstrated that safety nets – when provided in a predictable, regular manner – can protect households from the negative impacts of shocks. Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) For over 30 years, responses to food insecurity in Ethiopia were dominated by emergency food aid. Organization(s): United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. On a national level, The PSNP is an integrated part of the Government of Ethiopia’s Growth and Transformation Plan II (GTP II). The PSNP expanded from an initial five million to a maximum of 10 million people from late 2015. This progress report covers the period from 1. st. January to 31. st. December of 2017 outlining the major achievements, challenges and opportunities of the DAG project. Delicious. It is a well-targeted program; however, several years passed before payment levels reached the intended amounts. Version1.0! Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) is a large-scale social protection intervention aimed at improving food security and stabilizing asset levels. Version1.0! Data and research help us understand these challenges and set priorities, share knowledge of what works, and measure progress. Laura Campbell is a Programme Officer in the DCT. There is low level of graduation in the study area. This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. It is modeled after the rural productive safety net program (PSNP), whose success could not exceed in rural areas beyond keeping body and soul together for the poorest of the poor! [10] and Segers et al. Ethiopia and OCHA Editor's Note: Turning Ethiopia's economic growth into inclusive growth with World Bank resources. 2 Introduction • Beginning in 2005, the Government of Ethiopia with support from its development partners has implemented the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) • Outside of South Africa, the PSNP is the largest social protection program in sub-Saharan Africa 3. The Ethiopian government’s response to last year’s drought was its largest-ever, providing 18.2 million people—or 20% of the country’s total population of 91 million—with food or the cash to buy it with. Developing countries in general and Ethiopia in particular are affected by a growing problem of food insecurity. The PSNP contains a mix of public works employment and unconditional cash and food transfers. Resources from IDA bring positive change for 2.5 billion people living on less than $2 a day. The percentage of people living under the poverty line has decreased from 45.5 percent in 1996 to 29.6 percent in 2010. Food Consumption Ethiopia Social Safety Net Child Nutrition Child Stunting Child Wasting. TARGETING ETHIOPIA’S PRODUCTIVE SAFETY NET PROGRAMME (PSNP) August 2006 Kay Sharp Overseas Development Institute London, UK Taylor Brown The IDL Group Ltd Bristol, UK Amdissa Teshome A-Z Capacity Building Consult Addis Ababa, Ethiopia “The RPSNP applies the lessons learned under the PSNP including from the response to the El Niño-induced drought and supports the government’s vision to put in place a national safety net system that is fully independent of outside funding by 2025,” said Sarah Coll Black, World Bank Task Team Leader for the Project. In Ethiopia, the process of early warning, assessment, a… Studies have shown that PSNP clients are more resilient to droughts and have the capacity to bounce back twice as fast as households outside of the program. UNICEF Ethiopia/2014/Nesbitt. WASHINGTON, September 14, 2017 — The World Bank today approved a $600 million International Development Association (IDA)* grant to support the Government of Ethiopia’s vision of building a national safety net system to provide effective support in chronically food insecure rural areas, including providing cover during droughts. In 2017, in the tradition of collaboration with the Government and the people of Ethiopia, the humanitarian partners to Ethiopia for well-informed planning and decision making. The RPSNP helps the Government shift from humanitarian response to a predictable safety net system. People in the poor income group were excluded from the PSNP as an incentive to resettle [19]. This study draws on mixed-methods data collection undertaken by the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) study research team in Ethiopia during 2017–2018 to understand the relationship between PSNP benefits and young adolescents’ multidimensional well-being. 1. <> KOICA was the last DAG member to join in February 2016. Ministry!of!Agriculture! Ministry!of!Agriculture! * The World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA), established in 1960, helps the world’s poorest countries by providing zero-interest loans and grants for projects and programs that boost economic growth, reduce poverty, and improve poor people’s lives. KOICA was the last DAG member to join in February 2016. It is challenging to identify and track social protection budgets and expenditures (apart from on-budget PSNP funding) in the state budget. The CSI is piloting approaches to mainstreaming climate change within significant ongoing implementation. Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) is a large-scale social protection intervention aimed at improving food security and stabilizing asset levels. Ethiopia is on course to reduce extreme poverty in the country by half. %PDF-1.4 These include the International Development Association (World Bank), USAID, DFID, European Commission, Global Affairs Canada, World Food Program, Government of the Netherlands, Government of Ireland, DANIDA, UNICEF, and Sida (Sweden). Facilitated by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), ESSP II works closely with the government of Ethiopia, the Vol.8, No.18, 2017 1 Analysis of Factors Affecting Household Graduation from Ethiopian Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP): The Case of Babile District, Oromia Region, Ethiopia Desalegn Yadeta Wedajo* Yu Lerong College of Humanities and Development Studies, China Agricultural University, No.17 Qing Hua Dong Lu, Introduction. Matt Hobson is the Coordinator of the PSNP s Donor Coordination Team (DCT). Hence, options need to be considered on how best to display social protection related line items in the public budget. The PSNP is consequently a great example of the commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit in 2017 to implement the “New Way of Working” by ensuring all actors in the developmental and The PSNP was nested into broader efforts aimed at increasing household incomes through enhanced agricultural production and diversification of income sources. ===== Posted by The Ethiopia Observatory (TEO) ADDIS ABABA, Jan.… PSNP has allocated US$ 2.0 million for TASC-driven CD, which is about 11.7% of the total annual CD budget. Ethiopia’s Progress towards Eradicating Poverty፡ an Interim Report on 2015/16 Poverty Analysis Study. Distress sale of assets, common during droughts, went down from 54 percent in 2010 to 26 percent in 2014. This article analyses the political and economic dynamics influencing the adoption and evolution of Ethiopia’s PSNP. On a national level, The PSNP is an integrated part of the Government of Ethiopia’s Growth and Transformation Plan II (GTP II). 1. The RPSNP integrates the PSNP and the humanitarian food aid, which during the El Niño-induced drought reached 10.2 million people, under a common operational framework to better manage the selection, administration, and payments to beneficiaries. ETHIOPIA 94.3* M * 2017 Central Statistical Agency projection, Ethiopia . Facilitated by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), ESSP II works closely with the government of Ethiopia, the Location: Ethiopia What we know: The Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) is an established, large-scale social protection effort by the Government of Ethiopia targeting rural, food-insecure households. Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme: Power, Politics and Practice Summary of research *. 3 Introduction This presentation has three objectives: 1. download . Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) is a large-scale, social protection intervention aimed at improving food security and stabilising asset levels. %�쏢 Sustainability 2017, 9, 1716 3 of 15 using the PSNP to realise the voluntary resettlement programme, by which the Ethiopian government aimed to move the people from the highlands to the lowlands. Annual commitments have increased steadily and averaged about $16 billion over the last three years, with about 50 percent of commitments going to Africa, Global data and statistics, research and publications, and topics in poverty and development, PROJECT: Ethiopia Rural Productive Safety Net Project, LOANS & CREDITS: World Bank to Help Ethiopia Build a National Safety Net System as a More Effective Response to Droughts, Environmental and Social Policies for Projects. On the frontline of this is the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP), one of the world’s largest safety net programs. Since 1960, IDA has supported development work in 108 countries. Needs assessments are often conducted only once the effects of a crisis have manifested themselves. The program will reach close to 130,000 households in 36 woredas across the Ethiopian highlands. from Ethiopia USAID Resilience Evidence Forum J. Hoddinott2 ... Cornell University Evidence 2Professor of Food and Nutrition Economics and Policy Cornell University October 2, 2017 . �_7ھWn7���^I�q��{�V�F��տ>R��\MG;���튌����EB��y���4PW�]�E������{��TD ��.5Q��[:t���z?�߾z��G�e;�`�ك�>�:5��~7�8_~X��Qi��i���o�˧��@����wV������ � ��G����Uh�y���v�ta&�����|��� ����p��E��~�{��]�Q��r�T�\���6����/?����,4�h}�y^�OK�/�_Bxr�-h�+j�fe�����Q�BГ��0�+`���. Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) is a large national safety net social (SSN) program that responds not only to chronic food insecurity among Ethiopia's poor, but also to shorter-term shocks, mainly droughts. 5 0 obj The impact of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme on the nutritional status of children Research snapshot 1. “RPSNP will help Ethiopia to provide predictable safety net support to 8 million chronically food insecure people in persistently food insecure rural areas,” said Carolyn Turk, World Bank Country Director for Ethiopia Sudan and South Sudan. x��]Y��u����HJ���cQ�g�L�k��[�~ ��oV���@ '����TU�rN�w��ΐ�L��Ž�שS�Y�}��E����ˣ��6]����/���>�;���/��?����W�����ū?=�eY�����bR��i��0^��ˣ?\�s����v�i���ル�S�`W+}"�^-����^~��Wצ��Ō�?��I�Q-��y��n4����k�����~*vYFV�+�w�2�����)Mj���K_�[2׬rK=؉H#x��< 0Z�i�b_y The fourth phase of PSNP (PSNP4) is governed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (MoANR), while the … 3 Introduction This presentation has three objectives: 1. The past two decades have seen a rapid increase of social protection programs in African countries to alleviate poverty, food insecurity, and vulnerability of poor households (World World Bank, 2012).Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) is one of the largest social protection schemes in sub-Saharan Africa and has been implemented since 2005. This paper aspire in evaluating the impact of Ethiopia's productive safety net program on households' livelihood in Babile district by using primary data that were collected during January and February in 2017 from PSNP treatment and controls On-going projects – FAO Ethiopia (with charge code) updated in May 2016 59 Annex 4. IDA is one of the largest sources of assistance for the world’s 82 poorest countries, 40 of which are in Africa. It is modeled after the rural productive safety net program (PSNP), whose success could not exceed in rural areas beyond keeping body and soul together for the poorest of the poor! The PSNP is an initiative by the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) to change from ad hoc emergency relief oriented toward welfare to a production inducing development activity. ^!!! We face big challenges to help the world’s poorest people and ensure that everyone sees benefits from economic growth. AFAR (NORTHEASTERN ETHIOPIA) , 18 July 2014 – Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP), set up in 2005, aims to make fully food secure the millions of people still dependent on food aid, provide support to the vulnerable to prevent the depletion of livestock, and create productive assets at community level. September 2017. Published on. Ethiopia’s PSNP and Child Nutrition By. Jenn Campus. The government of Ethiopia together with other development partners launched the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) in 2005 to help chronically food-insecure households. PSNP is jointly funded by the Government of Ethiopia and eleven Development Partners. 03 PART I: CONTENTS!!!! This article analyses the political and economic dynamics influencing the adoption and evolution of Ethiopia’s PSNP. September 5, 2017. Gender and cooperatives membership 22 Ethiopia’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development used IFPRI’s impact evaluation findings in its document Food Security Programme (2010–14): Productive Safety Net. English Situation Report on Ethiopia about Agriculture, Education, Children, IDPs, Drought, Insect Infestation and more; published on 19 Oct 2017 by Govt. To learn more about cookies, click here. Food Security Situation Due to the lingering effects of the 2015-2016 El Niño-induced drought and poor October-to-December 2016 and March-to-June 2017 rainy seasons, an estimated 8.5 million people in Ethiopia require relief food assistance, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION PROJECT PAPER ON A PROPOSED ADDITIONAL CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF SDR 79.7 MILLION (US$108.1 MILLION EQUIVALENT) INCLUDING A US$100 MILLION IDA CREDIT FROM THE CRISIS RESPONSE WINDOW TO THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA FOR THE PRODUCTIVE SAFETY NET PROJECT IV April 19, 2017. The government designed PSNP in partnership with multilateral organizations, bilateral donors and non-governmental organizations actively engaged in humanitarian assistance. June 14, 2017. Food Security Situation Due to the lingering effects of the 2015-2016 El Niño-induced drought and poor October-to-December 2016 and March-to-June 2017 rainy seasons, an estimated 8.5 million people in Ethiopia require relief food assistance, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The PSNP provides regular cash or food transfers to 8 million people; currently 4 million of them are in areas affected by the ongoing drought. Summary . With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries. (2017) found that Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP), a government social protection programme, successfully delayed the marriage of adolescent girls. Out of the estimated population of 83.5 million, about 83% is rural population and depend on agriculture based livelihoods ... Vol.37, 2017 11 on the impact of PSNP in Amhara region indicated that although it has been crucial for saving rural poor The Ethiopia Strategy Support Program II is an initiative to strengthen evidence-based policymaking in Ethiopia in the areas of rural and agricultural development. The DCT facilitates policy and practice agreements between donors and with the government of Ethiopia on issues relating to PSNP, food security and DRM. TARGETING ETHIOPIA’S PRODUCTIVE SAFETY NET PROGRAMME (PSNP) August 2006 Kay Sharp Overseas Development Institute London, UK Taylor Brown The IDL Group Ltd Bristol, UK Amdissa Teshome A-Z Capacity Building Consult Addis Ababa, Ethiopia The Rural Productive Safety Net … The pathways of this promising impact are poorly understood, however. The PSNP expanded from an initial five million to a maximum of 10 million people from late 2015. In addition to the Government of Ethiopia’s increasing contribution, the program will be financed by 10 Development Partners, including the World Bank Group. DFID will contribute £276m (11% of the total), of which £176.2m (64%) will be financed from the ICF. Firstrelease!date!December!2014! Its food-for-work component supports public works programs related to landscape restoration, irrigation, and agro-forestry. “Livelihoods for Resilience” works in support of the livelihoods component of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP 4) and collaborates closely with Ethiopian government counterparts at all levels. [25] conclude The RPSNP approved today is firmly aligned with the World Bank Group’s new Country Partnership Framework for Ethiopia and its twin goals of ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. That is, begin with hh selected for PSNP in 2016 and note that we can divide them into groups: selected for PSNP in 2017 or not selected. The qualitative research methods involved detailed interviews with clients and former clients of the PSNP, as well as relevant government staff (community leaders, development agents, community health workers and school staff) in seven communities in southern Ethiopia from two regional states. People in the poor income group were excluded from the PSNP as an incentive to resettle [19]. Ethiopia-led Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) (USAID, 2017). The welfare programs in Ethiopia have contributed to this progress in different ways. Nega et al. This progress report covers the period from 1. st. January to 31. st. December of 2017 outlining the major achievements, challenges and opportunities of the DAG project. The PSNP is a rare example in sub-Saharan Africa of a large-scale social assistance programme that enjoys strong government support. ETHIOPIA’S PRODUCTIVE SAFETY NET PROGRAM (PSNP) INTEGRATING DISASTER AND CLIMATE RISK MANAGEMENT. Requirements (Nov 2017- Apr 2018) Relief (HRD) PSNP* Nutrition Refugees USD 5 million USD 38 million USD 9 million USD 33 million 4.4 m People assisted Sept – Oct 2017 51% 49% September - October 2017 In Numbers Over 10 million people in Ethiopia in need of food assistance in the second half of 2017. An appeal for funds then follows, and resources are mobilised and delivered, usually some months after the need has been identified and the crisis has hit. WASHINGTON, September 14, 2017 — The World Bank today approved a $600 million International Development Association (IDA)* grant to support the Government of Ethiopia’s vision of building a national safety net system to provide effective support in chronically food insecure rural areas, including providing cover during droughts. Background to the PSNP Food insecurity in Ethiopia is normally understood in terms of recurrent food crises and famines, and responses to food insecurity have conventionally been dominated by emergency food-based interventions. Run by the Government, the PSNP pools money from 11 donors, including $600 million of World Bank Group IDA funds. PSNP is an approach to improve livelihood of more than 7.5 Million people. [10] and Segers et al. While there were smaller pilot safety net interventions operating in different parts of the country, between 2005 and 2016 the PSNP was Ethiopia’s primary social protection intervention. Ethiopia is an especially appropriate country to situate such a study as, since the beginning of the PSNP, there has been an active debate on whether the payments should be made in cash or in kind. 2 Introduction • Beginning in 2005, the Government of Ethiopia with support from its development partners has implemented the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) • Outside of South Africa, the PSNP is the largest social protection program in sub-Saharan Africa 3. The World Bank Group works in every major area of development. The Climate Smart Initiative (CSI) is an initiative to strengthen two important Government of Ethiopia food security programmes in Ethiopia – the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) and the Household Asset Building Programme (HABP). government of Ethiopia, to support Ethiopia’s chronically and transitory food insecure rural households. We can then break those two groups each into two groups (selected/not selected for 2018), giving us the four boxes on the bottom left of the figure. Background to the PSNP Food insecurity in Ethiopia is normally understood in terms of recurrent food crises and famines, and responses to food insecurity have conventionally been dominated by emergency food-based interventions. The public works component has added benefits for communities, for example turning 1.2 million hectares into productive land with soil and water conservation activities. Source: National Planning Commission. Administratively, 74% of the budget (Birr 289,807,459) will go to woreda and kebele levels to meet the human capacity needs of 131,266 woreda implementing staff and frontline staff, as well as 872,640 community program participants.
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