It was the day of the announcement of Oculus’ acquisition that Luckey took to the Oculus community on Reddit to offer explanations to angry supporters. Anyway I won’t throw my headset away, until they lock me in. Them being part of OpenXR does give some stability but we all know what megacorporations do once they manage to get their own platform; Turn it into a walled garden dictated by themselves, and only one has been really successful in it and mostly because they are not profiled as datahoarders and manage to bring products that general population doesn’t find completely questionable. Those who already have Oculus accounts will also have to go through the pairing process before they can use the headset. One day, you simply could no longer add friends to your Oculus account without being prompted to log into Facebook — an option that had been there all along, of course — just like every other one of Facebook’s holdings like Instagram. And if they are, then using Oculus hardware means you’re using facebook, you’re using the account. If you don't have a Facebook account, create one in the Oculus app when you set up your headset. Facebook will support Oculus accounts until January 1, 2023. The driver’s license has to match your account information or your account stays deactivated. We care about VR so would step away from VR? i trust mark zuckerberg as i first started using shutters on my web cams years ago after seeing him on a computer in his offisce with a shutter on his cameras. In that case, if you love them you would let them go. In my opinion I don’t get why americans even accept this whole two candidates and not really democratic “Winner-takes-all” electoral college system. They’re now reneging on that, so the outrage that was calmed is suddenly boiling over… and it’s worse now because people feel tricked. What we’re getting here is a combination of the worst of the facebook, apple, and google business strategies. Maybe it was naive to think they would keep these promises but they were promises nonetheless. Forget about Oculus crap. But many others find this critical. Unfortunately there simply is no other comparable contender. Go for it but my personal choice is not to have my data, or my kids data taken by Facebook. I guess all I’m suggesting is to not seem crazy. Facebook payed two billion because they believe there is a big future in social VR, for them it makes no sense to keep it separate, and it is naive to assume that the promise made by and to Palmer Luckey would be true for eternity. Really sad that the founder was thrown out of Facebook for the mere act of supporting Trump. Actually you’re wrong there, it was Oculus that wanted to bring VR to the masses for affordable prices. Oculus Quest players may keep their existing Oculus accounts for the time being, but all new Oculus users and all Oculus Quest 2's must be logged in with a Facebook account… If you wondered why yesterday’s news stirred such a significant reaction from the VR community at large, it’s not just because Facebook doesn’t have a stellar reputation on privacy, it’s also because the company specifically promised it wouldn’t force users to log-in with a Facebook account to use their Oculus headset. This week Facebook answered that question in an unabashedly non-committal way (perhaps because it has realized that people actually expect it to keep promises that it makes): “We do not currently display ads in Oculus devices.”. I also started developing for the Newton MessagePad and invested money in developing for that platform. I don’t forgive that. The quickly rising startup caught the eye of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who came to believe that VR and AR would be the next major shift in computing, and an avenue to get out from under the thumb of tech giants like Apple and Google. Anyone who believed anything different is/was being willfully ignorant, C’mon, it’s fucking FACEBOOK. So for Oculus to force me to use Facebook is a bridge too far. Facebook makes me hope that there is a hell. Well, Facebook has always been insidious, but I honestly thought Oculus might be able to evade its hand of influence for the most part. For so long people acted like Facebook wasn’t the evil company from that movie and I just couldn’t understand the blindness. Yes, and it’s actually my interest in VR that would still get me to buy a Facebook headset if their headset is the best for its price. It will be more than a year before I can afford new VR hardware. Yesterday the company demolished that promise when it announced that it would begin requiring all new users of Oculus headsets to log-in with a Facebook account starting in October, and that existing users would also be required to log-in by the end of 2022 if they wanted to retain full use of their headsets. There are multiple cameras on a facebook hmd, they are also able to tell exactly what video/audio is being processed through the device. Back at the start of the acquisition story, Luckey—and by extension, Oculus and Facebook—had made another promise too. What if this Quest 2 is true hybrid headset (standalone + displayport input from your PC), with 4K displays offered at the insane pricepoint of $300 ? The software is still mostly indie crap, with few gems here and there. And until another data company offers a better alternative Facebook will remain the standard. Thanks for your diagnosis, doc. yeah, Oculus also released some games on their own platform which aren’t free.. You can mention all those Reality Labs tech demos all you want but (a) independent researchers and those funded by Sony and Nvidia have not made any less progress there and (b) the tech from that research is quite expensive to mass produce. Companies are driven by money, which often requires changing plans. This is much worse. He was head of A DEPARTMENT that was WHOLLY and COMPLETELY controlled by Facebook. He counted his billions and said “Yeah, I can bullshit them.” and then he went to the bank and LAUGHED. We actually care about VR, not about Facebook. Look up how facebook data collection actually works. From October this year, new VR goggle owners will have to log in to the system using their Facebook account. the only difference this new scenario is that a facebook account is involved. How about covering the news of Palmer Free CV1 Audio Fix Kit scam? To assuage such fears, Facebook, on behalf of Oculus’ founder, Palmer Luckey, promised in no uncertain terms that users would never be required to … He was involved in a Trump fundraiser on Reddit with Milo Yiannopoulos. If you are concerned about privacy, delete your real account, make a fake one and don’t put any personal information on the net. Pray tell caring father, if her device was to be connected to a vulnerable network and I was a malicious hacker trying to blackmail your daughter whats to stop me from using all of those censors and recording video/audio of her masturbating? We were told FB would never require a FB account for Oculus by Palmer Luckey. Name one feature only Oculus has you can’t live without. Anton did an interview where he basically explains that Facebook sees this as making themselves independent of everyone else and having their own hardware, their own OS, and their platform where others pay them to be there. Kudos. I love VR, so I want VR to succeed as a free, open, and vibrant platform. Oculus is not ahead of the competition and we have no reason to believe it will in the next 4 years also, especially since they aim to stay at the same price range. Maybe I am a crazy person. Future versions of quest are going to have eye tracking, constant global position monitoring, heart rate monitoring, etc. "Giving people a single way to log into Oculus—using their Facebook account and password—will make it easier to find, connect and play with friends in VR," Facebook says. Well, personally I don’t care as I use Facebook anyway. my issues are its gone from a comunication social tool to a advertisment bonanza, a place where people in your nbeibourhood by cheap 50p items on ebay and then sell them to your 60 year old mother for 10 pounds. “I guarantee that you won’t need to log into your Facebook account every time you wanna use the Oculus Rift,” he said in response to a Redditor asking if he could at least promise that much. if they have a fine headset and it brings enough business, I don’t see a big deal..Oh yeah, I need a facebook account to log in, oh dear oh dear… Certainly as a VR developer I wouldn’t ignore Oculus gear… It’s just business.. It’s business which has a toxic effect on society and which I do not want inside the most intimate device ever, collecting data on me. It’ll be subtle obviously but it will be significant. Cambridge Analiytica scandal, newsfeed manipulation that affected millions emotional state, the founder saying he doesn’t give a crap about people’s privacy, the dragging of this juggernaut before congress and the lack of any change by that very same panel, because the panel, as a governmental body, ALSO wants all your private information to sell to their well connected friends. I have purposely avoided having an active Facebook account, I don’t use it and don’t allow it to track my Internet usage. TOS Bannable offense “Bad Behavior” that is open ended and considering current social media track record “Bad Behavior” could mean different opinion of the main stream. I’m just saying your comments seem nutty based on structure alone. The rule is a further binding of the gaming company that Facebook bought in 2014 to the mothership, and comes just two months after Facebook decided all new Oculus users require Facebook accounts to use their VR gizmos, and all current Oculus users will need a Facebook account by 2023. Or spend more money on an alternative. I think it’s easy to say all this in hindsight but you have to remember the spirit of innovation and the wave of grass-roots enthusiasm that came in the early days of Oculus- Palmer seemed to be a person who was genuinely interested in the viability of VR for its own sake and it was hard to believe that he would be willing to sell out so easily without certain rigid conditions in place. Maybe you missed it, but after being fired from Facebook he did promise everyone who applied a free CV1 Audio Kit. But if they were to make the iPhone of VR and get a ton of users, yeah, I would support them but maybe but a bit sticks in the wheels with not that well optimizing things and putting some hardly noticeable pointers towards competitors and how my game/program works better on them. So I learned how to use a PC and centered my software development degrees around the Windows platform in order to avoid all things Apple. It isn’t right. I say Not Me! They collect data to use for their ad machine outside the headset, they dominate the platform aggressively like apple and make it hard to leave, and they extract 30% of everything like google (including when they directly compete with people on the platform). All-In-One VR. []-). FB has been blatantly and publicly shady for FUCKING YEARS. So even if they lose most of the present user base, if they get like 2-3 million new ones who are not informed or just ignore the whole Facebook data/privacy policies, the shareholders/investors will be happy. That is none of your business, and should NOT be a requirement to play some games on a computer device. Do you actually believe that Facebook doesn’t sell that information? And the fact that this now means that people who know you on facebook can interact with you, not just your core friends or gaming friends (my PS4 is not connected to my former teachers and I’m glad). There’s only so far I will go for a workaround for this. I never bought an iPod, never bought a Macintosh, never bought an iPad, never bought an iPhone and avoided Apple like a plague. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. So my oculus account is currently what will eventually become the facebook account used with the headset. Luckey had long been a visible spokesperson for the company; the promise wasn’t his, it was that of Oculus and Facebook. It makes perfect sense. Well I admit I really thought it wouldn’t happen… But in retrospect… Yeah I contacted him TWICE for the kit. This whole facebook/oculus thing, since day one, has ALWAYS been about facebook’s orwellian behaviour, action, and disregard towards humans. Insanity and dishonesty are not mutually exclusive. It’s funny, because there is a Spanish saying about this: never say “I won’t drink from this water.” :D, Sure, but what if the water is contaminated with toxic waste? In the end some everyone will be using VR headsets from other companies boosted by the demand from Oculus customers fleeing the platform. Oculus isn’t a real thing, it’s just a title. both involve tracking and collecting data about use. I am looking and don’t see that many choices for a PC out there. (@leonardjfrench) October 1, 2020 The connections are there and all they are doing is trying to bridge that gap. John Doe is Thrasher345 in my Oculus world and if I want to find him and add him as an Oculus friend…good luck. Even their defenders aren’t making that case. Yes plenty of people are anti-facebook but that doesn’t make them unreasonable, quite the opposite. Unless you buy a Quest 2, which can't use the old accounts. But isn’t that with all VR-platforms? You are the fruit that they squeeze the juice out of. They really don’t deserve anyone’s trust or money. I no longer use facebook because of their way of invading your privacy, plus! No, he projected the IMAGE of a guy trying to protect the users. My interest in the quest evaporated with this news… not for technical reasons, but for trust reasons. I’m nobody. They don’t kill me off, I still can sell my game in their store.. And since it’s a game the chances is very slim for them to create a competing product.. Everything you write is childish. I will likely be buying a Valve Index and will never buy another Oculus product and will not recommend anyone that I know to buy one. Who the fuck are you to say anything about it? The fact is Facebook did, does and will continue to gather meta data and benefit from it. Facebook should be broken up by the government, AFTER facing a minimum $2Trillion dollar lawsuit for lying to Oculus consumers!! So I no longer look at anything they are involved with because I love my privacy! This, like Apple’s early treatment of its customer base, is the worse decision Facebook could have made in reference to the Oculus platform from my point for view. My issue with your statements is you simply disregard the feelings of parts of the community. the Go, Quest and Rift S). This article may contain affiliate links. By then Oculus had already begun to erode Oculus’ autonomy, but by the time the final founder left in 2019, Oculus was being run by Facebook appointed executives and had effectively become just another team within the larger company. When we moved away from cable and tried to make everything wireless we slowly started packing on multiple streaming services, the idea of savings went away in just a few years and we now spend more most often. Requiring a Facebook account was to be expected from day one. Not to mention that they are already kind of trying to do that by constantly breaking SteamVR support and having the only platform that supports only their products (Steam and Viveport both support everything, Oculus still officially supports only Oculus HW). That Oculus products would not carry the Facebook branding? If you don’t use Facebook, you’ll have to set up an account. It feels good to many people when you know you have some privacy, especially in today’s tech drive environment. Upgrade Your VR “We are not going to track you, flash ads at you, or do anything invasive.”. It doesn’t seem like a calm collected person making good points, it’s more like a raving lunatic with red string connecting images in his bedroom wearing tinfoil. Palmer pushed “games has to be built from ground up for VR” for years – look where we are now in 2020. How ’bout you go armchair-mindrape some other schmuck. As of October 10 2020 the $2500 I have invested in oculus hardware and software will be inaccessible to me, because the only way to opt out of data collecting is to stop using the devices I paid for. I think it’s very lame that they did this, but isn’t the workaround of just creating a spam Facebook account an easy fix? It’s a service agreement you make with a data company… don’t like them using your data, then don’t fucking use the service like a personal scrap book with all your most intimate secrets. HP makes headsets. Says the unreasonable person who dismisses genuine concerns as “toxic”. Ahh, so she also doesn’t have a smartphone, no laptop/computer with (built in) camera/microphone or any other ‘smart’device with a camera/microphone.. Don’t know about you, but most people just turn their headset off, otherwise the battery will drain, and off IS off with the Quest.. And with most PC headsets most will also turn it off, at least I always do that as I don’t want it to drain power when I’m not using it.. truth is it doesnt mater if you want facebook on your vr thats your choice. Palmer & his cronies then sold Oculus to Facebook. VR not taking the world by storm and missing all the billion dollar market predictions from five years ago. Back in August, Facebook announced it would begin requiring a Facebook account to use future Oculus devices. It’s the sheep that won’t stand up to facebook that are the ones not listening to reason. It’s always the same people, saying the same thing over and over again. I can’t believe there’s so many idiots that are doing. Rift S was a good starter HMD in 2019, because it had good quality at the time, and was affordable. Be more understanding of what the real concern is, many people lash out with ad hominems in their frustration. I doubt that. The thing is, Facebook most likely doesn’t care anymore about the enthusiast/tech-savvy VR users. So yes, it wasn’t safe before, but that in no way shape or form means that things won’t get worse. What do you mean, how they log our inputted data or how they track our existing data and connections? Definitely not buying one now. And if there was any question if that was the case, this week’s news—that the company would simply disregard promises it had made about requiring a Facebook log-in to use Oculus products—is surely the period on the last page of the Oculus acquisition story. Keep your finger on the pulse of the XR industry with the Daily Roundup, the most important news in one daily email. Facebook says a “small number” of customers have been locked out of their new Oculus Quest 2 headsets, following a string of reports that buyers were … People who don't have / don't want a facebook account get treated like this, preventing them from using their Oculus without also letting Facebook track them around the 'net. You can’t connect to your friends with an oculus account? I am fine with this. Now RoadToVR is back to painting Palmer as good samaritian who only wanted the best for us. There are also competing platforms. Maybe not for you. Hater’s gonna hate. Is a good article and relevant. i simply dont trust facebook. I also find the idea of people saying this isn’t a big deal because you can make a burner account absurd. All other headsets can run fine with the old account (they can't be made anymore, so you have to already have one). It certainly makes us wonder… what good is any promise now from Facebook about where it will draw the line between what it thinks is right for Facebook users and what’s right for Oculus users? All of which is on Google. Following Facebook’s announcement this week, Luckey confirmed as much, saying that his guarantee had been “approved” by Facebook. Yes, I think it was naive to trust them and I absolutely expect consumers (especially developers, hackers and enthusiasts) to be less gullible than this. So yes. Plenty of apps allow for various forms of login, including logging in with a service of choice, and can have discoverability that way. Let’s all face the truth here. Even people with burner accounts report being suggested their real life friends and family as friends, even though they never gave enough info for that. Facebook doesn’t care about “leaking” PII. What happens is that you need to verify your identity with e.g. Even Facebook is different now than it was 6 years ago (for better or for worse, that’s up to you to decide). Oculus was just a new kind of juicer. Unless you buy a Quest 2, which can't use the old accounts. …. The rest of us, we will use it just like we’ve always used Facebook, to connect with people who would otherwise be very difficult to find. Not Now, Not Ever. In 2014, Facebook acquired Oculus for a whopping $2 billion. You will say “It’s your responsibility to read that user agreement and can opt out if you don’t like it. FB has stated that they want to make VR a social platform and why not piggyback on the FB framework. Just buy Samsung Odyssey+ or HP Reverb G2 or Valve Index. You make no sense at all. It’s scummy business. If you have an Oculus account already, you can merge it with your Facebook account. That’s not the case anymore, hard core PC enthusiast like my self have slowly found more ways to simply live off the grid in relation to social media and tech conglomerates. Moving party system to rely entirely on facebook login and not wavering on that point was a very clear sign. I am not rich. By Adi Robertson @thedextriarchy Aug 19, 2020, 7:04pm EDT Share this story. Never heard back from him. As long as you still have your account from 3 years ago, no facebook account needed for 2 more years (although without one you can't add friends). Would never give facebook a penny no matter what they’re offering, awful company. People are just gullible. His actions have all said otherwise. The change allows existing non-Facebook-merged accounts to stay without a Facebook account for the time being, but those accounts will still need to merge with a … Whereas Valve is single handeldly going to triple the number of linux users with Proton. Most likely combining it with Horizon and how cool it is to hang out with your friends and family in VR. There are definitely people out there that would not have bought oculus if they knew this would happen and only did because they were explicitly promised that it would not. Facebook or not to Facebook that is the questions. As a VR developer, I think exactly like you do. There is also an in-built mic in all of the headsets. That way the original promise would have been kept, but the result would be pretty much the same. No code received to connect facebook account to Oculus quest 2 to try out app sharing. Oculus was interested in high end VR, but Facebook is only interested in VR for the masses – that’s spelled CHEAP. I have only occasional access to FB. A lot of people are eating there words today from last headline that Palmer was written on. Microsoft, on the other hand, worked hard to keep backward compatibility for 10+ years on their products and I loved it. They want to be the Nintendo of VR, combined with a social platform. I go out of my way to avoid almost all forms of social media. Please? It soon became very clear that he is fact an utter piece of shit garbage excuse for a human being who would happily sell his own children to another sociopath. But FWIW I have had a spam FB account I use for work, and thus far it hasn’t been deactivated. Facebook is evil. HTC makes headsets. I know many of these people (developers, hackers, enthusiasts) are quite knowledgeable, at least, when it comes to technical matters, but that clearly has no bearing on their understanding of the behavior of corporations. Although Luckey—which was later pushed out of Facebook because of his personal political views—was the one that made the promise, he wasn’t acting on his own. The best games are actual old games ports, like on Quest – Half Life, Quake, tonights RTCW…. If you use Revive you would have to make a facebook account and give them access. Even then, the Rift S was a collaboration with Lenovo- not exclusively Facebook. Kids and young adults are the target audience for Oculus games, and Facebook's rules put a minimum age of 13 to qualify for an account. Oculus … And we all knew it would happen sooner or later but i was hoping they wouldn’t break stuff for users already in…. Up until this point, I loved my Quest, and I’m seriously considering what I’m going to do about this news…. And developers hopefully push more for open platforms like OpenXR and WebVR as a fallback in case the rules are changed again. You can remove ad’s by paying for a youtube red account, when will facebook do that? In the end it is just noise, the developers will have to go where the customers are, the customers will have to go where the devices are. In an Oculus blog published today, it was announced that starting this October, all new Oculus users will be required to sign in with a Facebook account, so those who do not use Facebook will have no choice but to set an account up. uh? The only reason they are requiring a FB account is to connect you with your friends. There’s a lot of other options available to you. If you don’t already have a Facebook account, you can create one using the Oculus app. The minute FB forces me to jump through too many hoops to make a fake account is the minute I will sell my Oculus and go another route. In a recent blog, Facebook-owned Oculus stated that, in just a few months, new device users will not be able to sign into the Oculus VR ecosystem without a Facebook account. I cant even make an account based on TOS with out sending them a copy of my ID, there was a time things like Facebook were a place to go to get away and sometimes be someone else. He is essentially a weeb. :(. :). I’m fairly sure they will want to release the new Quest before Christmas and will push a huge marketing campaign for their Quest with nice videos, posters, … of good looking people having fun in VR. I almost bought an Oculus many months ago before they were acquired by Facebook. But remember, without Facebook, the DK2 (with some minor improvements) was actually in line to become the CV1…. The most popular and free spyware around which Zuckerberg stole from others while at Harvard:, God forbid you support one of the two presidential candidates…. We have seen how they treat people who aren’t Facebook woke, and I certainly don’t want them monitoring my activities. Who says? The point is you put far to much faith in Facebook. Don’t get me wrong, at the time I was super skeptical and dismayed by the deal, but I don’t blame others for wanting to believe that Oculus might have remained relatively independent, at least for a few more years than it did. This sounds remarkably like the scenario in Ready Player One – So I must identify Mark with Nolan and Facebook with IOI. Think about Facebook resurrecting their M-project and coming up with smart speaker for it and how well people would take that, “people wouldn’t question it at all”. To simply have all of that taken away is criminal. When I buyed this product there is without integration like this. What is this? I was working on several Oculus Go projects, Facebook basically screwed me over, but again, I understand why they killed it.
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