Poplar buds can also be carried to attract money and can be burned as an incense to create financial security. Loosely speaking, the Poplar is divided into three groups, as mentioned above – Balsam Poplar, Aspen, and Cottonwood, in the United States. Here’s a quick reference guide to the healing, magical, and metaphysical properties of more than 100 trees. Another method was to bore a small hole in the tree trunk, insert the patient’s nail parings, and close the hole securely. A cream of the bark works wonders on eczema, minor blisters. Magical Properties: Elder wands are most often used in Faerie Magic, banishment, magical arts, protection from evil, imagination, change, and healing. When I study magic, I study science.” The lore does not refer to the Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), or Balm of Gilead (Populus candicans) which have different attributes and magickal qualities. Heracles bound his head in triumph with poplar after killing the giant Cacus (the evil one). The Black poplar was a funeral tree sacred to the Mother Earth. ( Log Out /  Two widespread legends are told to account for the aspen’s trembling. The Poplar or Aspen is the sacred Tree of the Fall Equinox – (Aprox. The fast-growing Poplar tree has an affinity with the element of Air. Because of this, both trees were formerly credited with the power to cure agues and fevers. Shields can be made of Poplar since the wood is thought to offer protection from injury or death. I wish warmest blessings upon all whom wander this way x, The Complete Herbal and English Physician, by Nicholas Culpeper, What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella. I imagine this investigation is on-going as the first seven years will be their baseline for all future events from this experiment…and I have found no ending conclusion of it in my research. Poplar is a good wood to burn in balefires and ritual fires since it offers protection. var diff = date.getTime() - today.getTime(); if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") A country name for the aspen is the Shivver-tree, a name which in some districts is also given to the poplar. Asafoetida (Devil’s Dung, Food of the Gods): Consecration, endings, exorcism, opposition, protection, release, spell breaking, hex breaking, curse breaking. document.write("

") Cedar wands are available at: www.dragonoak.com The tree referred to here is the genus “populus” which includes true poplars, as well as related trees such as cottonwood and aspen). The other is that it shudders perpetually with horror because its wood was used to make the Cross on Calvary. Home |Magick | Spirituality | Healing | Inspirational | Art | Fun | More | Site Map. Add two teaspoons of the dried bud from the Black Poplar to one litre of water and infuse for 10 minutes. Medicinal properties: The oil from Birch bark is used for treating skin conditions, and insect repellant. In addition, the wand was believed to increase hunger. The Tulip Poplar is actually in the Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) family – flowering plant family. My aches and pains thou now must take, Its magickal properties include healing, protection, love and success. Bay laurel, or Laurus Nobilis, is a powerful magickal plant which is ruled by fire and the sun. You may use the recipe above with Poplar buds instead if preferred. Smile! He then had to go straight home, speaking to no one on the way, after which he would be free from ague forever. Basswood: Light, Straight-grained and of fine texture. Poplar, genus of some 35 species of trees in the willow family (Salicaceae), native to the Northern Hemisphere. A very old magical tradition held that ailments could most efficaciously be treated by something that resembled their effects; and since ague causes the patient to shake and tremble, he was likely to be healed by the shaking tree. Researches soon discovered that there are a number of other benefits that this tree offers. var year = today.getYear(); Speaking of Witch Wands & Magickal Things, From the Wortcunner’s Cabinet – Sunflower, the complete herbal and english physician, Captain Sir Tom Moore, The Best of British, Yule Blessings, Happy Solstice, and a Great Conjunction to Boot! The tree is a spiritual motif and framework, a map of conception and consciousness that brings together the temporal worlds of time, space and consciousness. "); The constant shaking of the poplar is often accounted for by the legend that its wood was used in the construction of the Cross. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The stones associated with Poplar are Amber, Citrine Quartz, Sapphire and Swan Fluorite. She was advised to pin a lock of her hair to an aspen, saying as she did so: “Aspen tree, aspen tree, The leaves of the Poplar are particularly good for use in ‘flying ointments’ for those involved in astral travel and/or hedge witchery, and necromancy – to help walk the hedge and to contact ancestors. The Black popular was a funeral tree sacred to the Mother Earth. Poplar wood or incense made from its wood is used frequently in magical workings for change and success. days" : " day") + " ago this year! Poplar trees are sacred to the Mesopotamian goddess Ua-Ildak. Wiccans, druids, and other spiritualists have been harvesting this energy for thousands of years. Used in healing rituals but also love, frie… Folk remedials say that a healer should gather Oak leaves that remain on the tree all winter as a cure for frostbite. The tree of the Autumn Equinox and of old age, is the shifting leaved White Poplar, or Aspen, The shield makers tree. The sap is a natural shampoo, and can be a remedy for dysentery and urinary infections. You may also use it in talismans which you create for these purposes at your altar during ritual. While being carried the Poplar must never touch the ground. Your email address will not be published. My stories often take place in woods or forests, or even if they don’t, trees will often sneak in somewhere to … Jewish traditions hold the Cedar tree in the highest regards. The seed drank in vinegar is held good against the falling-sickness. The ointment call Populneon, which is made of this Poplar, is singularly good for all heat and inflammations in any part of the body, and tempers the heat of wounds,  it is much used to dry up the milk of women’s breasts when they have weaned their children.’. I prithee to shake and shiver Myrrh gum was also used by the ancients to treat infection, bruises, skin conditions, and toothache. I did find some pretty impressive information concerning a trial which took place in the 1990’s where new hybrids of Poplar were being experimentally planted in the lowlands of England to see if they would be viable as trees to investigate the interaction on profitability….to test whether growing these hybrids would be worth the doing. For this reason, they devoted the day of **23rd of September to it as that date is the day which has the same duration as the night. I very much appreciate interaction and if you comment, I will be happy to answer. MAGIC IS EVERYWHERE . else if (days == 1) In Gaelic tongue the tree was called Peble and Pophuil in the celtic way. Magic lies all around us - not the magic of fairy tales, but real magic connecting our universe to a living continuum. The best spell work is achieved during this time for  anything to do with safety, power, success, intellect, travelling, communication [especially into other realms]; spells to help you get through difficult times, as well as when you just need a boost in a specific area of your life. Gender:  White Poplar, Masculine; Black Poplar, Feminine, Powers:  Hope, Rebirth, Divination, Astral Projection, Courage, Ancestry, Protection, Healing, Deity:  Hecate, Morrigan, Tyr, Apollo, Zeus, Many thanks for reading my blog.
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