Rift valley, any elongated trough formed by the subsidence of a segment of the Earth’s crust between dip-slip, or normal, faults. Large flocks of flamingo feed on these crustaceans. The Great Rift Valley By: Chris Carlson Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. While it happens very slowly, the area where it is splitting can have earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and lava flows. The Ethiopian Rift Valley lakes occupy the floor of the rift valley between the two highlands. "So far, all other A. afarensis fossils had been identified from the center of the Rift Valley," explains Nakatsukasa. The great rift valley was maded by plates in the Earth crust. The RVF virus is endemic mainly in subSaharan Africa, The eight lakes of the Kenyan section of the East African Rift Valley have been mentioned below. The virus causes major outbreaks in livestock (sheep, goats, cattle and camels) and can be transmitted to humans by contaminated animal products or via arthropod vectors. Rift valley fever virus (RVFV) is a causative agent of a viral zoonosis that constitutes a major clinical burden in wild and domestic ruminants. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Human infections have also resulted from the bites of infected mosquitoes. To date, no human-to-human transmission of RVF virus has been documented. Many sites where fossils of early hominids were found are located in or near the rift valley. Lake Baringo is the second most northern of the Kenyan Rift Valley lakes. 8. I hope that this really helps! The Great Rift maybe played also an important role in our evolution. "A previous Australopithecus bahrelghazali discovery in Chad confirmed that our hominid ancestor's distribution covered central Africa, but this was the first time an Australopithecus fossil has been found east of the Rift Valley. The majority of human infections result from contact with the blood or organs of infected animals. Most of the Ethiopian Rift Valley lakes do not have an outlet, and most are alkaline. the great rift valley is unique because is the longest rift in the world. The Rift Valley is the result of an ancient series of faults, rifts, and volcanoes deriving from the shifting of tectonic plates at the junction between the Somalian and the African plates. These lakes also support other types of fauna and are also important to the Kenyan economy. Lake Baringo . The importance of the Great Rift Valley is that it is a site that has produced a number of important fossils shedding light on the early history and evolution of mankind and its primate ancestors. Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a viral zoonosis that primarily affects animals but can also infect humans. A rift valley is an area where tectonic plates are splitting apart. Importance Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a zoonotic viral disease that can affect a variety of species, including ruminants and camels, causing high mortality in young animals and/or abortions in adults. Such a fault is a fracture in the terrestrial surface in which the rock material on the upper side of the fault plane has been displaced downward relative to the rock
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