As Shepard points out the term fundamentalist is not used by Muslims, the word does not exist in Arabic or any other Islamic language (Shepard, 1987 p. 358). (ed.) Any discussion of fundamentalism or religion without looking at psychological factors will necessarily be incomplete. Christianity spent much of its early life as an obscure sect, on the political fringes, so is more concerned with ‘day to day’ (non-political) life, whereas Islam quickly came to dominate states in its early history – thus Islam is more concerned with politics than Christianity. INTRODUCTION: 1.1 Background to the problem: The United Republic of Tanzania is generally perceived as a country spared from violence and conflicts despite its multi-religious … Cooranbong is a small town in NSW, it is largely a Seventh-Day Adventist town. Once an area establishes a specific orientation it attracts people who empathise with its philosophy. Bruce also argues that the nature of religion affects the way Fundamentalism is expressed – Christianity tends to emphasise the importance of belief, while Islam emphasises the importance of actions, thus Islam is more likely to develop violent forms of fundamentalism compared to Christianity. (ed.) Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. America in the 1920s. Marty, M. (b) Fundamentals of Fundamentalism. Archana Pawar, the Woman Who Never Stops Chasing Her Dreams, Where There is a Will, There is a Way Proves Nalini Dhende. Deakin University, Victoria. Thus, their religious fundamentalism is mixed up with a radical anti-imperialism, to which the oppressed masses bring their own interpretation. Lawrence, B.B. Finally, Bruce argues that Fundamentalism has no chance of succeeding in the West, but it might in the less developed regions of the world. (b) Defenders of God: The Fundamentalist Revolt Against the Modern Age. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Marty, M. (a) Fundamentalism. Pelikan, J. Saeed, A. and Weeks, I. Sacred place and Scared Life in Islam. The use of the term fundamentalist in this essay, is qualified by the above, and embraces the following characteristics: (a) A belief in the inerrancy of a sacred text such as the Qur’an, Torah or Bible; (b) Intolerance of other belief systems; (c) A willingness to kill or be killed in upholding the truth;(d) A desire to be one of a group– to be obedient; (e) A personality easily swayed by charismatic leaders; (f) A desire to return to an imagined golden age’ a dislike of modernity; (g) Combining religion and politics to achieve aims; (h) A strong sexist, sometimes racist bias. 1957. He abundantly made it clear that no one particular religion is the exclusive domain of fundamentalism, but pervades through all religions across the world. Muslims are equally, if not more concerned than the protestants, about the moral disintegration of society. 1979. & Appleby, R.S. The early 21st Century has seen the rise of various Fundamentalist groups, for example: The increasing influence of the New Religious Right in the United States The rise of Zionism in Israel The rise of Islamic Fundamentalism in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. University of Chicago, Chicago. Not because there is any special evidence that the texts are infallible or the laws are sacred, but because … Thus, their religious fundamentalism is mixed up with a radical anti-imperialism, to which the oppressed masses bring their own interpretation. Rigby, Adelaide. Whether the various different fundamentalist doctrines, if implemented on a large scale, would create a more sustainable future for society, is highly problematic and not within the scope of this essay. Thus, not only are the Christian religious right in the United States and the global al Qaeda Muslims called fundamentalist, but so too are local parent groups who want restrictions placed on Internet access in local schools. It should be noted that I am not making value judgements in presenting these characteristics. Interestingly many fundamentalist groups use the despised mass media and promiscuous areas of society to promote their causes. Marty, M.E. Besides, in Poland, where I am doing my research, almost everybody is religious, and nowadays most of them are religious fundamentalists. The important psychological question is; Why are these people attracted to the Adventist faith and why so strongly as to move from areas around the country and world to be together? The Atlantic Monthly, September. Key words: Islamic Fundamentalism, religious tension, Muslim and Christian, United Republic of Tanzania 1. with the extraordinary affluence of the West (ibid. (ed. Common to all the fundamentalist organizations is the aim of establishing a completely Islamic theocracy or religious state in which the Sharia, or Islamic law, would be enforced. The Individual and His Religion. Some atheists and anti-Adventists do still live there. Even those who refuse to acknowledge consciously, this tenuous hold on life, cannot escape the subconscious pressure of the inevitability of their own annihilation. Fundamentalism and Terrorism. Although I discuss all these, I believe the most important cause is of a psychological nature, strangely this is not especially emphasised in the various works on fundamentalism. Allport sums up this drive; 1950. p.142). Deakin University, Victoria. Hebert, G. Fundamentalism and the Church of God. Jerry Falwell, leader of the Moral Majority, uses the media and magazines such as Penthouse to shape moral consciousness in both citizens and politicians (Towne, 1984.p.31). Religious Fundamentalism and Terrorism Elijah Onyango Standslause Odhiambo1 Abstract The study of terrorism is multidisciplinary, which includes fields like Religion, ... causes, motivations, surrounding circumstances, and strategies that are being absorbed French is still the official government language, even though the French have supposedly, officially left Algeria. The Indian subcontinent had had a chequered history of communal conflicts and inter-religious dissensions have characterised its socio-political landscape. 1990. 1968. 1996. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. I believe there is much more involved psychologically than Shinn suggests. He is on the editorial board of a number of international literary journals. Haralamabos and Holborn: Sociology Themes and Perspectives edition 8. SCM, London. Brethren Press, Elgin. emphasize ethics of reciprocity and fundamental human rights to a much greater degree than has been done in the past. Crusades were a series of military campaigns, sanctioned by the Catholic church that took place during the 11th through 13th centuries. There are only two large ones. Religious Fundamentalism. American culture in the 1920s. The Fundamentalist Phenomenon. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. van Sommers, T. Religion in Australia. Obviously not all fundamentalists belong to the downtrodden of third world countries. Steve Bruce: Communal and Individual Fundamentalism Communal individualism is that usually… do not explain why whole populations, “…on one side of a mountain…” are fundamentalist whilst those on the other are not. As Barton mentions even if we were to use a new word, it too given the sensationalist nature of the media, would be, “misused and misunderstood in exactly the same way” (Barton, 1996. p.55). I consider Adventism to be a passive fundamentalism. Heisig, J.W. First, by sticking to a religiou s belief and accepting it as the ultima te source of kn owledge, the vol.22, no.1, Spring. Once used exclusively to refer to American Protestants who insisted on the inerrancy of the Bible, the term was applied more broadly beginning in the late 20th century to a variety of religious … The Adventist University, Sanitarium Food Factory and so on are all located there. 1985. November 06, 2008. Fundamentalists fear the dominance of scientific reason, the mass media, innovation in scriptural interpretation, secularism, liberalism and permissiveness because they undermine the eternal truth of the scripture. Narrow-mindedness narrows your mind! (intro.) The second is that individual psychology (e.g. Fundamentalism usually has a religious connotation that indicates unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs. These attributes which help define fundamentalism also in a general way hint at its causes which I will now discuss. In the later years, the term was used to relate to t… Similar to how organisms and their genes compete for survival in the environment and gene pool, ideas compete … Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Secular fundamentalisms such as: that in China under the rule of Mao Tse-Tung; Messianic Capitalism; Marxism-Leninism and Eco-Apocalyptics; although similar in many respects to religious fundamentalisms are not within the scope of this paper. As an example of this fear of colonialism, the recent assassination of Tahar Djaout, an Algerian writer and journalist, was an attempt by Algerian Muslims to stop this man’s progressive ideas undermining their culture. Religious fundamentalism is a very good example of closed minded, dogmatic beliefs. Caplan, L. Studies in Religious Fundamentalism: Introduction. Naively accepting whatever is … It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. So good ,so long as they do not interfere with the methods adopted by others! Societal Causes of Modern Religious Fundamentalism 4.1. The cause of this maladjustment has two possibilities, either the majority of fundamentalists have some form of arrested psychological development or the fundamentalist finds it difficult, or unacceptable, to adjust to what they perceive to be a sick society. Notes from Webb et al A2 Sociology AQA SCLY3. Religious intolerance, fundamentalism and extremism. Fundamentalism is as an explanatory term which is employed and exploited when used to describe a distinguishing religious movement in the 20 th and 21 st century and its affiliation with modern society. 1991. 1966. I hope I have shown that regardless of these secondary causes, which exist either separately or in complex combinations, the root cause of all fundamentalisms is the fundamental human fear of ceasing to exist either physically, psychologically or spiritually. Fundamentalism and/or Orthodoxy. Barton, G. Religion and Modernity: The Case of Islam. Nauman Asghar. Fundamentalism and Sexist Theology in, Selvidge, M.J. The Causes of Fundamentalism. 1990. Religious intolerance, fundamentalism and extremism are... 2. Fundamentalisn Today. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.. Citizens worldwide are becoming all too familiar with the accelerated frequency of terrorist attacks in the 21 st century, particularly with those involving a religious underpinning. It is at this point that Marty’s exhortation, that fundamentalisms have nothing in common, perhaps becomes relevant. the rise of religious fundamentalism may be attributed to an interplay of factors, but most of all to EXISTING POOR SOCIO-ECON CONDITIONS that were CAPITALISED ON BY RELIGIOUS LEADERS the rise of religious fundamentalism had profound consequences for local, regional and intl security. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. I will bookmark a few of these.. Almire Avictor Ravi, Your email address will not be published. This stage is the forming of identity and shaping of personal faith. These fundamentalists believe that their religion is beyond any form of criticism, and should therefore also be forced upon others. The discussion focused on the history of religious fundamentalism, the tensions that have arisen between modernity and so-called traditional values, and the role that religious … In pre-partition era, the British policy of 'divide and rule' was in large measure considered to be responsible for interfaith divide. This glib tongue-in-cheek dismissal of possible psychological factors seems to give the impression that Marty believes psychological factors to be either completely irrelevant or unimportant in explaining fundamentalism. He was repeatedly warned about his disrespect for traditional Muslim society but he took no notice (Compass, 1995). Modernisation has undermined religion in at least three ways: However, Bruce also argues that the existence of a group of traditionalists who feel threatened is not sufficient to explain the rise of Fundamentalism, a number of other factors are also important: Bruce argues that the following factors make it more likely that Fundamentalism will emerge: Bruce argues that both the external factors above and religious beliefs themselves are important in explaining the rise of Fundamentalism. Regarding, “acceptance of what our peers tell us”, most normal adults accept unquestioningly what scientists or our doctors tell us, (much to our detriment it seems), so either most of us have arrested development or it is not a significant characteristic of fundamentalists. However much greed may figure in the cause of fundamentalism, I speculate that it is insignificant compared to the basic fear of starving to death or becoming a human machine in an urban slum to satisfy the dictates of an irresponsible, inhuman bureaucracy. (j) A tendency towards anti-intellectualism or at least uncritical acceptance of a specific version of the sacred book. The argument that greater religious freedom leads to fundamentalism seems to make some sense and the example of the Catholic church upholds that view. 1990. Anthony Giddens, the late modernist, argues that globalisation has caused significant levels of insecurity for people and that fundamentalist religion offers very simple answers. Among the many definitions of fundamentalism, the following is particularly useful here: Fundamentalism is an "aggressive and marginalized religious movement which, in reaction to the perceived threat of modernity, seeks to return its home religion and nation to traditional orthodox principles, values and texts through the co-option of the central executive and legislative power of both the religion itself and the … (i) Obsessional, fanatical quest for purity. Quarterly Review 11/2. (b) Fundamentalism. Basically Djaout favoured the Westernisation of Algeria, he wrote in French rather than Arabic. It is from this radical psychological perspective that this paper is orientated. Increasing Literalism in the history of Judaism and fledgling Christianity. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Marty, M.E. Fundamentalism usually has a religious connotation that indicates unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs. Radicalisation is a complex matter that has not been defined uniformly in the social sciences. Towne, E.A. Sort by: Top Voted. Greenwood Press, Connecticut. 1989. The Fundamentals were written to reverse the liberal Christian’s failure to counter the forces of democracy, industrial and scientific progress which was undermining the Church authority (Cole, 1931 pp.52-54). London. (ed.) in Religion and Modernity: The Case of Islam 1996. Error is regretted. In their eyes this is created by popular music and movies, overly intellectual Biblical criticism and the increased visibility and acceptance by society generally of; gays, promiscuity, abortion, women’s liberation and so on (Marty (b), 1990). 1984. A personal anecdote will illustrate my point. With the exceptions of age and gender, religious fundamentalism serves as a crucial intervening variable in the relationships between these variables … Bruce further argues that the nature of Fundamentalism is shaped by how the political institutions deal with Fundamentalist movements: where they are blocked access to political representation, movements are more likely to turn to violence. March-April, 1995. in, Religion and Modernity: The Case of Islam. This is certainly the case today, however as Schmidt notes; The spirit of fundamentalism has an ancient history, especially with respect to sexist theology. Share: Share. Fear of these two absolutes are the two most important reasons that have driven humans to develop religions and then to explain and control the natural environment. (a) Escaping From Fundamentalism. Fundamentalists may be secular or religious, part of major organisations or minor cults and observe their beliefs quietly in private or try to convert others through high-powered public performances. How to Bag a Billionaire: tips for young women feeling held back by their average joe boyfriends. Fundamentalisms and Society. 1987. (ed.) However, there seems to be an increase in the number and activity of fundamentalist groups in contemporary society (McNeill, 1993. p.561). Muslim “fundamentalists” are in a slightly more secure position regarding basic scriptural interpretation. Purity: a greedy ideology. Religious tolerance can only be enhanced when religions, governments, schools, agencies etc. Religiosity, Religious Fundamentalism, and Perceived Threat as Predictors of Muslim Support for Extremist Violence April 2017 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 10(4) This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Coupled with decreasing employment opportunities for Sikh young people and the non-Sikh power in Deli, this situation poses a threat to the very survival of the Sikh people and their way of life (Caplan, 1987. p.7). The Taj Mahal might be extravagant but there is only one of these. p.563). Lewis, B. ), Mouton, The Hague. Increasing Literalism is a Trait of Human Development. The Islamic Impulse. Associated University Presses, New Jersey. Wm. Fear of no afterlife is far more formidable than fear of earthly demise, so this drive to reduce the amount of temptations to sin is paramount for fundamentalists. November 06, 2008. Religious fundamentalism, as literal thinking, serves to these ends in many ways. Societal Causes of Modern Religious Fundamentalism 4.1. by Neil Godfrey . The term ‘fundamentalist’ was soon used to describe a section of Protestant Christians who bore a separatist attitude towards modernity. Common to all the fundamentalist organizations is the aim of establishing a completely Islamic theocracy or religious state in which the Sharia, or Islamic law, would be enforced. I personally know people from each category. ADVERTISEMENTS: Communal Violence: Concept, Features, Incidence and Causes of Communal Violence! It seeks strict adherence to the orthodox principles of particular faiths – in the case of Nigeria, Christianity and Islam – and abhors modernism with its propensity to adulterating or diminishing original doctrinal principles. The term ‘religious fundamentalism’ has come to be applied to regional, national, and even global developments holding both religious and political dimensions. With this security, human psychological development takes place steadily and results in a confident, well adjusted adult, adjusted that is to the norm of the society in which they live. 1987. I think it’s entirely correct to call someone like Mother Theresa or M. L. King a fundamentalist, extremist and a radical. The trend towards textualism continued to spread with monotheism, almost becoming a defining feature. The first is, “…fundamentalisms have little or nothing in common which each other”, I discuss this a little further on. B. Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids. Neuroscientist explains why Christian evangelicals are wired to believe Donald Trump's lies | Being taught to suppress critical thinking begins … As McNeill points out there have been reform groups operating for at least the last two and a half thousand years. Advances in the Psychology of Religion. The Hadith (Sunna of the Prophet) and after that Shari’a (Islamic Law) are a little more problematic as these were not dictated by God. Why, though, have religiously-affiliated acts of terrorism become such a common occurrence? Most Adventists migrated to Cooranbong, then their children stayed on, most rebels move away. Anthony Giddens, the late modernist, argues that globalisation has caused significant levels of insecurity for people and that fundamentalist religion offers very simple answers. Next lesson. Bruce argues that in certain societies ‘religious traditionalist’ feel as if their way of life is under threat, and so they take steps to defend their traditions against the erosive influence of modernisation. Societal Causes of Modern Religious Fundamentalism 4.1. This involves the increasing awareness that religious institutions are becoming ineffectual. In addition to this fear or perhaps more an extension of it, is the fear that after the demise of the psycho-physical organism there will be no afterlife. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. EPRS Religious fundamentalism and radicalisation Members' Research Service Page 3 of 8 factors – political and social environment, and a psychological need for identity. The analysis reveals a strong positive direct effect of adherence to a fundamentalist doctrine on support for the patriarchal family, but no direct effect of personal religiosity. In addition, crusades epitomize Christian fundamentalism. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. About the Author: Rob Harle is a writer, artist and reviewer. Religious fundamentalism, a belief in an absolute religious ideology with no tolerance for differing interpretations, is a contributing factor to the development of radical opinions. & Appleby, R.S. University of Chicago, Chicago. SCM London. ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM. Educators share their 5 best online teaching tips; Feb. 17, 2021 All Muslims accept the absolute authority of the Qur’an and the Hadith, but that which constitutes Shari’a is disputed by the Shi’ites. Socio-economic problems are never far behind other causes of fundamentalism. 24 thoughts on “10 characteristics of religious fundamentalism” tagertux says: 2007-07-06 07:25:40 GMT+0000 at 07:25. Fundamentalism Today. For fundamentalists, of most persuasions, the “moral disintegration of society” not only raises the fear of physical annihilation through increased crime, rampant sexually transmitted diseases, breakdown of the family and lack of nurturing and moral discipline for children, it also involves the vitally significant concept of sin. Starting from cave walls, carvings, stone constructions,... 4.2.
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