This marked the high point of a long and tragic campaign fought in a harsh climate. Be the first to hear about our latest events, exhibitions and offers. Allenby’s first commission had … Thereafter he was often referred to as Allenby of Armageddon. After successfully defending the canal, British Empire forces went on the offensive, crossing into the Sinai Peninsula. On 26 January 1915 it had launched a surprise attack on the Suez Canal. Chaytor’s Force then took Es Salt and Amman. Presentation of medals by General Sir Edmund Allenby (third right) and Major-General Harry Chauvel, (second left), 1918. It consisted of four infantry divisions and one cavalry division, the latter commanded by Allenby. It is also famous as the last great cavalry victory. For much of 1916-17 he commanded Ottoman defences in the Caucasus to great effect. After many setbacks, they finally took Baghdad in March 1917. The Ottoman Empire secretly joined the Central Powers alliance on 2 August 1914. Soldiers burying Turkish dead near Beersheba, November 1917, General Sir Edmund Allenby walks into Jerusalem, December 1917. German and Ottoman forces found themselves encircled by British Empire and French forces under General Sir Edmund Allenby. However, this left them in a position that favoured Allenby’s own planned offensive. SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1918: BRITS VICTORIOUS AT MEGIDDO Following their victory in the Third Battle of Gaza and the capture of the ancient holy city of … Discover the diverse range of soldiers who contributed to the British First World War effort in Palestine. General Otto Liman von Sanders (1855-1929) was the German commander responsible for modernising the Ottoman Army. Megiddo Allenby's Masterstroke, 1918 The Battle in Brief By the end of 1917, the forces of the Egypt Expeditionary Force commanded by British General Sir Edmund Allenby were firmly in … Lawrence’s arrival in Damascus allowed Chauvel to continue his pursuit north, covering a further 185 miles (296km) to Aleppo, which fell on 25 October. By the summer of 1918 the Ottoman Army was on the defensive. Allenby’s success in these campaigns was attributable partly to his skillful and innovative use of cavalry and other mobile forces in positional warfare. In Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby, 1st Viscount Allenby …won a decisive victory at Megiddo (Sept. 19, 1918), which, followed by his capture of Damascus and Aleppo, ended Ottoman power in Syria. Nablus was captured and a devastating aerial bombardment cut off the line of retreat along the Wadi el Fara road. As depicted in the great film Lawrence of Arabia, General Allenby planned a swift campaign that would knock Turkey out … The Battle of Megiddo (19-25 September 1918) was the climactic battle of the Sinai and Palestine campaign of the First World War (1914-18). When he took command of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force he was fortunate to have the highly mobile units of the Desert Mounted Corps under his command, which he used to great effect. Satan’s demons will assemble “the kings of the whole world” in a battle against Jesus Christ when He returns to rule over the earth (Rev. By the end of 1917, the forces of the Egypt Expeditionary Force commanded by British General Sir Edmund Allenby were firmly in control of Jerusalem. In addressing the House of Representatives Prime Minister William Hughes said ‘In the history of the world, there never was a greater victory than that which was achieved in Palestine, and in it, also, as in France, the soldiers of Australia played a great part.’. Simply enter your email address below to start receiving our monthly email newsletter. Pursued by Arab irregulars embittered by years of occupation, they surrendered en masse to the Anzacs rather than face slaughter at Arab hands. After holding at Romani in August 1916, British Egyptian Expeditionary Force troops began advancing across the Sinai Peninsula. He was also tactically astute in the deployment of his infantry and artillery. The 3rd Light Horse Brigade reached Jenin by the evening of 20 September in a position to catch the main part of the retreating Turkish centre. Gaining experience in the Boer War, he later commanded the 1st Light Horse Brigade at Gallipoli with distinction. In the fighting during the Battle of Megiddo, Allenby lost 782 killed, 4,179 wounded, and 382 missing. It evolved into a fast-moving mobile campaign, which resulted in Allied victory and the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Five days later the Turks signed an armistice and the 600-year-old Ottoman Empire was subsequently partitioned. Forced to retreat northwards through Palestine, they regrouped at Megiddo hoping to counter-attack. In six weeks between 19 September and 30 October 1918, the Australian Light Horse was part of an army that captured 360 guns and 75,000 prisoners and moved the front forward 560 kilometres. The Turks retreated hardly firing a shot. Then the British cavalry and Australian light horsemen of the Desert Mounted Corps would pour through the gap to strike deep and hard across the plain, cutting off the Ottoman line of retreat. During the First World War, Allenby initially served on the Western Front. The loss was so crushing that the Ottoman Empire was forced to … Allenby was made a Field Marshal in 1919, and on 7 October of that year was created Viscount Allenby, of Megiddo and of Felixstowe in the County of Suffolk. Lieutenant-General Henry Chauvel (1865-1945) was a charismatic and daring Australian officer. On the morning of 1 October, the most advanced unit, the 3rd Australian Light Horse Brigade, entered Damascus in pursuit of fleeing Ottoman troops. The name Megiddo, the site of Allenby’s greatest victory, is today better known as Armaggedon – a location that lived up to its legend, for the battle fought here in 1918 triggered the collapse of the 400-year-old Ottoman Empire. Australian Light Horse in Palestine, 1918. In September 1918, during World War I, an allied army led by general Edmund Allenby defeated an Ottoman army near Megiddo. Chauvel led the DMC northward, covering over 100 miles (160km) in three days and crossing the Golan Heights. Armageddon is a corruption of the Hebrew Har Megiddo and means literally "the mount of Megiddo." The campaign against them took place in the unforgiving climate of the Western Desert. By Eric H. Cline Assistant Professor of … Few British soldiers have a greater legend attached to them than Colonel TE Lawrence - better known as Lawrence of Arabia. Allenby intended to use his infantry to break through the Ottoman front line. General Edmund Allenby (1861-1936) had learned much about the value of mounted troops and unconventional warfare during his Boer War (1899-1902) service. As the infantry and artillery closed on their positions, the DMC encircled the enemy, preventing escape. The final battle. Many believe that this battle will take place in the very near future, but few know that Armageddon is a real place—one that has seen more fighting and bloodshed than any other spot on earth. By 21 September, Ottoman forces around Nablus were broken, allowing 20 Corps to round up prisoners. The Battle of Megiddo was fought during World War I between Allied troops, led by General Edmund Allenby, and the defending Ottoman army near the site of the ancient ruin. Then, King Josiah of Judah was killed by Pharaoh Neco as soon as he arrived to meet him at Megiddo. This attack broke the deadlock, led to Gaza's capture and opened the road to Jerusalem. A final and conclusive strike at the Battle of Megiddo in September 1918 left the road to Damascus open. State of Israel. Biography of Edmund Allenby (1861-1936) British military, whose real name was Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby, first Viscount Allenby of Megiddo and Felixstore. With their forces in complete disarray, the Ottomans made peace on October 30 when they signed the Armistice of Mudros. Australian cavalry waiting outside Nablus in Palestine, 1918. One of the earliest battles near Megiddo was between Thutmose III and a Canaanite coalition under the leadership of the king of Qadesh in 1482 B.C. A mixed mounted and infantry unit known as Chaytor’s Force captured the Jordan River crossings, while an artillery barrage softened up the Ottoman 8th Army. To find out more about how we collect, store and use your personal information, read our Privacy Policy. 1900s to no resistance, Allenby directed his units north and Aleppo fell to the 5th Mounted Division and the Arabs on October 25. At the same time, the Ottoman 4th Army came under sustained attack in the Hills of Moab, at Es Salt and Amman. Locality next to Southwell (Nottinghamshire County) was born on 23 April the year 1861 in Brackenhurst, and died on … The cavalry distinguished itself in the chaotic fighting of 1914, particularly at the First Battle of Ypres. Meanwhile, the 3rd Indian Division headed to Beirut, and the 7th Indian Division towards Baalbek. The lasting legacy of the battle of Megiddo was that it revealed the potential of a modern war of movement, producing a profound change in military thought and tactics. The Australian Mounted Division advanced to Damascus which the Turks abandoned on 1 October. In September 1918, at a number of points near Megiddo, Allenby’s cavalry cut off the northward retreat of the Turkish 7th and 8th armies after his infantry had defeated them in the coastal plain. Liman von Sanders and his staff managed to escape just in time. In September, following months of reorganisation, the training of new troops and formations and the building up of supplies and ammunition, the cavalry was moved in great secrecy to the coastal flank, leaving the Anzac Mounted Division in the Jordan Valley. It hoped to use the war as a means of reasserting control over its former territories in Egypt and the Balkans. The Battle of Armageddon. Slessor highlighted that at the Battle of Megiddo, 19–25 September 1918, in contrast to Amiens, air power had enabled the surprise and deception essential to General Sir Edmund Allenby… ‘Medjel Yaba - The First Day of the Turkish rout out of Palestine and Syria’, 1918. He remained in the Middle East as High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudanuntil 1925, and he was instrumental in the creation of sovereign Egypt. Great Battles. Revelation 16-18 talks about the Battle at Armageddon. Homs was also captured on 16 October. 9th Hodson's Horse march through Damascus, October 1918. General Sir Edmund Allenby led the Egyptian Expeditionary Force to victory in Palestine and Syria in 1917 and 1918. Sixty thousand British troops including two divisions, twenty-two infantry battalions and most of the yeomanry were sent to France as reinforcements. Waves of British and Australian aircraft repeatedly attacked the Ottoman forces. 11 Jan 1898, d. 29 Jul 1917 First World War (James B. Pritchard, Ed., The Harper Atlas of the Bible, Harper & Row, New York, 1987, p. 41). Allenby’s experiences commanding mounted units in the Boer War (1899-1902) saw him place his faith in mobile warfare. The Battle of Megiddo was fought September 19 to October 1, 1918, during World War I (1914-1918) and was a decisive Allied victory in Palestine. At the outbreak of war in August 1914, a British Expeditionary Force (BEF) was sent to France. Her only child, son Horace, followed his father's career, joining the British Army. They captured the key strongholds at Afulah, Beisan, and Jenin. The 5th Cavalry Division pushed on through Lebanon and Syria, Aleppo was abandoned by the Turks on 26 October and an armistice came into effect on 30 October. Allenby during these years seems to have undertaken a number of visits within Great Britain to undertake military and civic duties. Child of Adelaide Mabel Chapman and Field Marshal Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby, 1st Viscount Allenby of Megiddo. By then, however, the Entente was in a position of strategic strength. Success there led General Sir Archibald Murray to press the advantage by invading Palestine. What followed was one of the most remarkable military pursuits in history. They accepted the city’s formal surrender, much to the annoyance of Lieutenant-Colonel TE Lawrence, who had planned a grand ceremony in support of the Arab insurgents’ claim to self-rule. Mounted units like the Australian Light Horse then overran the Ottoman troops at Samakh. When Allenby was made a viscount, he took the title “Lord of Megiddo”. When the Palestine campaign started to go wrong, he was called upon to re-organise Ottoman defences. Supported by British infantry and accurate artillery support, a daring charge by the Australian Light Horse at Beersheba stunned the Ottoman defenders. The German offensives in the first half of 1918 prevented any further attacks in Palestine until September 1918, when Allenby won his greatest victory (Battle of Megiddo, 19-21 September 1918), one of the great cavalry battles. National Army Museum, Royal Hospital Road, London, SW3 4HTRegistered Charity Number: 237902, Lawrence of Arabia: The man behind the robes. In the entire battle, the Allies had inflicted losses on the Ottomans of over 25,000 killed, wounded or captured, effectively ending their ability to continue the war. As I mentioned before, the British and Anzac troops, under the command of General Edmund Allenby, captured the city of Jerusalem on December 9 1917. He commanded the joint German-Ottoman forces in Mesopotamia. The Australian Mounted Division was Chauvel’s reserve. The word “Armageddon” comes from the Greek word “Harmagedon,” which is derived from the Hebrew phrase “Har Megiddo,” meaning “Mount Megiddo.” However, the German spring offensive on the Western Front in March disrupted Allenby’s plans for an early resumption of operations in Palestine. Its name, which has been described as "perhaps misleadin… The way to Damascus, Beirut and Aleppo now lay open. The British infantry divisions were restructured as Indian divisions, each with a British nucleus. Primary Documents - Sir Edmund Allenby on the Battle of Megiddo, 20 September 1918. The actions immediately after it were a disaster for the Ottomans. The desired breakthroughs at Sharon were achieved by nightfall. In part this was because troops had been hastily transferred to the Western Front in March 1918 to assist in the Allies' defence against the … The battle of Megiddo, 19-25 September 1918, was the climactic battle of the British invasion of Palestine of 1917-1918. Middle East Elements of the Ottoman 4th Army were deployed away from the destruction at Sharon and Nablus, and still posed a risk. The following year Allenby defeated the remaining Turkish Army in Palestine. General Sir Edmund Allenby. Because Revelation 16:16 identifies Armageddon (from the ancient Greek Harmagedon, or Mountain of Megiddo) as the scene of an apocalyptic battle between good and evil, the name has become a dramatic byword for …
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